Category: Other

Where can I cast dry flies?

August 11, 2022, 23:12, asked: ? JW ANGLING ?

That backwards drift will often be one, two or more feet. If you cast into the rise your fly will land a couple feet behind the feeding trout. Cast your fly at least 3 feet above the rise to be sure you fly is upstream in the holding location of the fish....

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What is a zebra midge?

August 11, 2022, 06:52, asked: Tommy D

The Zebra Midge is a nymph that imitates midge pupae and/or emerging midges. Herein lies the first clue to how to fish them. The Zebra consists of nothing more than a size 16-24 shrimp/scud hook wrapped in colored thread and a copper or silver fine wire with a 2 or 3mm tungsten bead head of matching metallic finish....

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Does alcohol spray kill plants?

August 10, 2022, 04:49, asked: claverie ponet

Contact with alcohol also kills many other insects, including scales, spider mites and whiteflies. Unfortunately, it can burn – or chill -- sensitive plant leaves. So take precautions to keep alcohol from killing plants on which you use it to kill bugs....

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Should I use dry or wet flies?

August 9, 2022, 14:41, asked: Andrea Ferrari

It's difficult to predict exactly when the flies are in the emerging stage, but with practice and close observation, you'll be able to see the trout feeding just below the surface. Dry flies are best to use when you notice a hatch or trout surfacing....

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What flies to use on a lake?

August 8, 2022, 19:56, asked: Joey Nielsen

15 of the Best Trout Flies for Lakes

  • Hare's Ear.
  • Copper John.
  • Glo Bug.
  • Holy Grail.
  • Parachute Adams.
  • Last Chance Cripple.
  • Trico Dun.
  • Hot Wing Caddis.

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What fly line weight should I use?

August 8, 2022, 01:55, asked: Cold Water Outfitters

A Quick Suggestion for New Anglers For trout fishing, new anglers should focus on line weights 4-6. I personally prefer a four weight fly line (and matching fly reel and fly rod). The reason is because a lighter fly fishing outfit makes smaller fish more fun to catch....

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Are sharks killed for their teeth?

August 6, 2022, 13:49, asked: karpiorze&kleniorze

Unfortunately the shark tooth trade is one place to put some guilt of the declining shark populations around the world. Sharks are being killed for their fins, teeth, liver and skin and shark can be found in many more products than you would think. Sharks are an extremely important part of ocean ecosystems....

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Why you should not eat sushi?

August 6, 2022, 11:40, asked: Wouter PikeMan

Listeria, salmonella, and tapeworms are just a few risks that could make you consider whether sushi is safe to eat. Sushi is a problematic food because it's made with raw fish — according to the Food and Drug Administration, raw fish can harbor parasites, bacteria, and viruses....

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Are circle hooks legal in California?

August 5, 2022, 12:10, asked: Fishing Buzz

Owner CA Salmon Hook The regulations state that when using fishing methods other than trolling, "No more than 2 single-point, single-shank barbless circle hooks shall be used...". ... Most California Salmon anglers use this hook for live anchovies as it allows for a free, natural swimming motion....

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Are treble hooks illegal in California?

August 3, 2022, 18:14, asked: علاء القبيصي

Is fishing with treble hook legal in California ocean? Yes, treble hooks are in general allowed for fishing activity in the California Ocean, with an exception that fishing targeting salmon requires at most two barbless hooks [Section 27.80(a)(2)], which disqualifies treble hook from salmon fishing....

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