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  • Why we should not drink water after eating fish?

Why we should not drink water after eating fish?

Asked: Tommy Germ, Last Updated:

After eating food if we drink the water it affect the pH of stomach by diluting it ,hence the acidic nature of stomach changes which can cause problem in digestion. So we should wait for 5-10 minutes after eating food.


  • Is it bad to have a lot of snails in fish tank?

    There really are no “bad” snails, but a few species can multiply unchecked and overrun an aquarium. Seeing hundreds, if not thousands of these little beasts taking over your tank can be unnerving, and they can place a burden on biological filtration as well as clog filter intake tubes.

  • Why is my tuna so dark?

    Tuna flesh, like the flesh of many land animals, contains myoglobin, a pigmented protein that stores oxygen in the muscle tissue. ... The dark, purplish red color of freshly cut tuna is due to deoxymyoglobin, which in air changes first to bright red oxymyoglobin and then to brown metmyoglobin.

  • Can you smoke grocery store salmon?

    The ABCs of hot-smoking The good news about home-smoked salmon, according to the same Pacific Northwest Extension publication about smoking fish at home, is that you can smoke any fish without worrying about foodborne illnesses if you follow some basic practices in preparing, salting, smoking, cooking and storing it.

  • How do you make tuna not taste dry?

    Mix 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil, 1 Tbsp non-fat plain Greek yogurt, 2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar, 3/4 tsp honey, and salt and pepper to taste in another bowl. Spoon dressing over tuna salad.

  • Can garlic cure fish ich?

    Marine Ich/Cryptocaryon irritans (and just about anything else) is easily cured by feeding garlic. ... Garlic is a proven appetite stimulant, which can compel even challenging-to-feed fish to take prepared foods. Garlic must assuredly be a proven method of disease treatment.

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    Totally! Unlike chicken or salmon that must be cooked to a correct temperature to ensure their safety, shrimp are so small and so quick to cook that it's hard to undercook them or serve them underdone. Cooking them from frozen actually helps prevent overcooking, leading to juicer, more tender shrimp.

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    1. Removing the Fin-nipper. Remove the offender immediately before it does further damage to the rest of its tank mates. ...
    2. Rehoming the Offending Fish. House the fin nipper in a separate tank or find a new owner if you are unable to give it a tank of its own. ...
    3. Treating the Victims. ...
    4. Prevention.

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    Fish should never be thawed out at room temperature because the warm temperatures would allow bacteria to grow. Use one of the methods described below. Thawing Time: 6 to 24 hours, depending on quantity. Generally, 6 to 8 hours per pound.

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    The catla fish is another mainstay of Bengal and Bihar. It is not as big as the roh, or eaten in as many dishes. But it is still very tasty; it's best when cooked in mustard oil. Catla is also pretty healthy as it has a substantial concentration of protein while being low in saturated fat.

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    Puree until smooth. Serve immediately with crackers, or store in an airtight container for up to 5 days. You can also freeze this dip for up to 3 months. Just thaw and serve chilled!
