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  • Can I feed my fish salted shrimp?

Can I feed my fish salted shrimp?

Asked: ?●?, Last Updated:

The salt is preserving the shrimp. I wouldn't be worried about your fish. It is obviously some form of shrimp. If you have a problem it will be with chemicals added to the shrimp to preserve them.


  • Do mirror carp eat other fish?

    Carp can also feed on other fish species' eggs, but never in an active way. They won't seek out fish eggs and feast on the thousands and thousands of eggs that other female fish have laid on the bottom or onto underwater vegetation.

  • Where do fish hang out in Rivers?

    Where to Fish: Rivers and Streams

    • Outside Bend. When the river or stream curves, the faster water (which carries the food) moves to the outside of the bend. ...
    • Rocks (Pocket Water) ...
    • Eddies. ...
    • Merging Currents. ...
    • Drop-offs. ...
    • Dams and Waterfalls. ...
    • Undercut Banks. ...
    • Overhanging Trees and Brushes.

  • Why do frozen clams open when thawed?

    The rule about shells opening applies to fresh shellfish, which are alive before you cook them. Your clams are long past alive and will be fine to cook with. Open shells mean that they are dead, which you already knew since they were frozen.

  • Can we use vinegar for fish?

    You can use vinegar as the acid. ... Adding vinegar to frying or boiling fish will also help reduce the fishy taste and smell, and it will also keep the meat soft. If you want to retain the white colour of fish, then keep it soaked in a mixture of 1 quarter water and two spoons of vinegar, for about 20 minutes.

  • Can you grow lettuce in a fish tank?

    It's an entirely symbiotic ecosystem, Ikard says, where you'll never have to change out a carbon filter -- probably one of the most annoying things about owning a fish tank, eh? This tank can grow all the ingredients for a perfectly good salad, including tomatoes, lettuce, kale, mint, basil and wheatgrass.

  • How do you clean a red herring?

    Soak the red herring in some warm water for ten minutes, discharge water, then remove the head and skin and some of the bones. Pick-up (flake) herring with hands to make it look like mine in the picture.

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    Live bait is a great tool in the toolbox for budding inshore anglers, and there's more than one kind. ... Live croakers are an excellent live bait to fish with because they don't appeal to trash fish like hardhead catfish, are too big for throwbacks and tend to stay on the hook better.

  • How do you handle trout catch and release?


    1. Use single barbless hooks.
    2. Keep the fish in the water as much as possible.
    3. Trout have a protective slime. ...
    4. Use a rubber net. ...
    5. Avoid unnecessarily long landing battles.
    6. Trout gills are particularly susceptible to poison, infection, and puncture. ...
    7. If the hook cannot be retrieved easily, cut the line.

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    Place the catfish in a cooler filled with ice, the cold will send it to sleep then it will freeze to death. This process can take about 3-4 hours. Put the catfish in a large basin and pour a copious amount of salt all over it. The fish will wriggle and squirm till it dies.

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    Carp up to 10lbs are relatively easy to catch very close to the shore and virtually all carp fishing is done from the bank. There is no need for expensive tackle and boats. You will need some patience so feeding or 'chumming' (where legal) an area prior to fishing always helps.

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    Owner Nick Howell said: "Demand for the traditional packed salted pilchard has been in steady decline. ... But Mr Howell has succeeded in selling the fish - which has the Latin name Sardina pilchardus - as the more glamourous sounding fresh sardines.

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    If your prawns are slimy or going grey, this may be a sign that they're too old. Slime on proteins is an indicator that lactic acid from bacteria is present, and this makes your prawns unsafe to eat. In general, seafood that smells overly fishy or funky should be tossed into the bin, as it may already be spoiled.

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    Increase in demand of the Hilsa fish is one of the main reasons for the rise in Hilsa fish price. In coastal areas such as Goa, Kerala, West Bengal and Tamil Nadu, Hilsa fish price is relatively less when compared to cities away from the coastal.

  • What Colour light is best for fish?

    Tropical, or Colour-Lite bulbs, are designed for fish viewing. These accent red and blue hues, and are ideal for making your fish stand out better. They will give a much brighter visual, and mean that you see your fish more clearly and get the best out of them.

  • Are oyster shells toxic?

    It is all right to eat and swallow oyster shell it will not harm you. ... You can eat the shell of an oyster and it will cause you no harm, but if you breathe the dust from that shell, that dust will turn as glass in your lungs, and there is nothing that they can do about it.

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    • Wood Types. ...
    • Cedar – This wood's strong flavor is best for smoking fatty fish like salmon rather than poultry.
    • Cherry – Sweet and fruity, the flavor of this wood blends best when smoked with hardwood-flavors, like oak. ...
    • Maple – Mild and subtle, the sweetness of this wood is perfect for smoking pork and poultry.

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    Five of the most commonly eaten fish that are low in mercury are shrimp, canned light tuna, salmon, pollock, and catfish. Another commonly eaten fish, albacore ("white") tuna has more mercury than canned light tuna....Does monkfish have mercury?

    1 more row•21-May-2020

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    This novel study shows that roe is one of the best natural sources of both these omega-3s. DHA is essential for early brain and eye development, while EPA and DHA are both needed for optimal heart, eye, immune, mental, and metabolic health throughout life.

  • Is oil-packed tuna bad for you?

    Both water-packed and oil-packed tuna are good sources of protein and low in saturated fat. However, canned tuna packed in oil tends to be higher in calories and total fat.

  • What season do salmon lay eggs?

    The cycle begins in freshwater, when a redd, or a female's nest of eggs, is fertilized. These eggs remain in the gravel throughout the winter, and the embryos develop. In the spring, the eggs hatch and alevins emerge.
