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Are microbubbles bad for fish?

Asked: Pêche FOKUS Fishing, Last Updated:

Many aquarists go to some considerable lengths to baffle sumps and pump flows to prevent small bubbles from being returned into the display tank. It has been suggested that such bubbles represent an irritation to fish, corals and other invertebrates and that they should be avoided.


  • Why are my Amano shrimp swimming like crazy?

    Shrimp swimming like that is a sign of stress. They are seeking a way to escape from the water. Check your water for ammonia, nitrates/nitrites, and metals ASAP.

  • Which prawns are farmed?

    In the New South Wales and Queensland, the most commonly cultured penaeid prawn is the black tiger or leader prawn, (Penaeus monodon). Smaller quantities of the Kuruma prawn (Penaeus japonicus) and the school prawn are also cultured.

  • Does fish fall from heaven?

    Yes. Although rare, there are numerous instances of fish falling down from the skies. ... All sorts of creatures have been reported raining down, including snakes, worms, and crabs, but fish and frogs are the most common. Even squid and alligators have been reported to fall from the sky.

  • Why wont my fish swim around?

    The main cause of swim bladder is overfeeding, which leads to constipation. Another cause is gulping air when they grab food from the surface of the water. Enlarged organs and infections can also cause swim bladder disease. Water temperature can also prove problematic for your fish's swim bladder.

  • What do bluefin tuna mainly eat?

    Bluefin tuna are top predators. Juveniles eat fish, squid, and crustaceans, and adults feed mainly on baitfish such as herring, bluefish, and mackerel.

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    Common torpedo
    Species:T. torpedo

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    Overcooked shrimp is chewy or rubbery; if you undercook them, you run the risk of slimy shrimp which, in some situations, can be dangerous. But shrimp cooks very quickly, so there's a fine line between poorly cooked and properly cooked and we're here to make sure you don't cross that line.

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    However, no matter which size of hook is selected there's always a chance a carp can see it, remember if we can see it then carp will probably see it too! Make Sure Hooks Are Sharp At all Times! Most carp fishing tactics today require the angler to hide the rig end tackle.

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    The snap of one recently-discovered species of pistol shrimp called Synalpheus pinkfloydi (named after something else that is also loud and very cool: Pink Floyd) can reach 210 decibels. ... Its powerful claw can deter predators or other competitors looking to take over the shrimp's burrow.

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    They won't get spooked or scared. However, sound that occurs underwater is loud and travels fast. So jumping up and down in a boat, especially an aluminum boat, is loud and can spook the fish. Even dropping pliers in the bottom of the boat can scare fish.

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    Because clams must be allowed to breathe to stay alive, store them in a single layer, covered with a damp cloth in the fridge (40ºF), and use them as soon as possible—definitely within two days. Never store clams covered or sealed in plastic. Any clams that die before being cooked should be discarded.

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    Fortunately for the fish - and fishermen - low pressure doesn't usually last long." According to Woodward, fish are much more comfortable when there's stable high pressure, and tend to feed actively most anywhere within the water column.

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    Ingredients: Smoke salmon, cream cheese, sour cream, lemon juice, dill, etc. ... You can freeze it from a food safety standpoint, but there is no guarantee that the sour cream will hold up well—it tends to crystallize (and, the salmon may also, although being smoked would help that).

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    While catfish won't eat their own babies, they will eat other fish babies. Sometimes, although rarely, it can happen that one catfish eats babies belonging to other catfish species. Flathead catfish, the most predatory ones, are known for trying to eat other catfish species, mostly blue catfish.

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    Look for dried shrimp that are orange-pink, as they become brown with age (and also lose their flavor). Dried shrimp do not keep indefinitely; store them airtight in the refrigerator for a up to a month or in the freezer for longer.
