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  • Will carp bite worms?

Will carp bite worms?

Asked: West Coast Reel Services, Date Created:

Carp eat a variety of foods. They favor insects, aquatic worms, crustaceans, and mollusks, but also consume algae and other plant matter. Due to this diverse diet, a variety of carp baits trip their triggers, from natural offerings to homemade doughbaits and mass-produced softbaits, dips, boilies, and such.


  • How do you store live crawfish for a day?

    Store Them in an Ice Chest or Plastic Tub To keep the crawfish alive, place them in a large ice chest or a large plastic tub. Then, place a soaking wet towel over the sack in the chest. Then, place a bag of ice cubes or cool gel packs over the sack. Keep the crawfish in a cool, dark location away from the wind.

  • How many Oz is a medium shrimp?

    Shrimp Sizing Chart

    Common Sizing Term (Varies)Shrimp Count Per PoundApprox. Count Per 3 oz Serving
    Medium41/5010-12 shrimp
    Small51/6012-15 shrimp
    Extra Small61/7015-17 shrimp
    Tiny71+18+ shrimp

  • How many cory catfish in a 10 gallon tank?

    The general rule of thumb is 2 gallons of the tank for an inch-long fish and the same implies the Cory Catfish category. For a 10 gallon tank, you can keep 5-6 fish together and you can add up to 10-12 Cory fish in the 20-gallon tank and so on.

  • What causes low pH in a fish tank?

    The pH of tap water can change occasionally so if you experience a drop in pH in your tank and you've just done a water change, check the pH of the tap water too. ... If the tap water has a lower pH than the tank water, it's the tap water that's lowering your pH.

  • Is canned tuna raw or cooked?

    Canned tuna is cooked during processing, while fresh tuna is often served rare or raw. Raw tuna is a common ingredient in sushi and sashimi, which are Japanese dishes made from a combination of rice, raw fish, vegetables, and seaweed.

  • Do shrimp like soft or hard water?

    A lot of shrimp can live in hard water, most actually. Sulawesi shrimp need hard water. Red cherry shrimp can live in soft to moderately hard water. Both Cherry and Amano shrimp do very well in my hard water.

  • Do squids come up for air?

    The squids live in the ocean, and do not come to the surface for air, so they must get the oxygen they need from another way. Fishes, octopi, squids, and non-mammal animals all use gills. ... Their heart system then pumps the blood through their body, and keeps the squid alive.

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    It provides a crispy mouth feel and soaks up flavors from the fat when frying. Coating can also make it easier to fry fish meat that has a tendency to fall apart. The batter turns into a shell that keeps the sensitive protein in place and stops it from sticking to the hot surface of the pan.

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    Once your smoker is preheated, remove the fillets from the brine. Smoke the trout fillets until your trout reaches an internal temperature of 145 degrees F. At this point, your trout should be cooked throughout and should flake easily.

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    Because WD-40 is a degreaser, it breaks down grease and oil. Never use it to lubricate a reel. The basic rule of thumb is to grease gears and oil everything else — sparingly. Too much grease and oil impede the spool and reduce casting distance.

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    Having them in your freezer markedly increases your dinner options — they can enhance dishes such as scampi, paella, fried rice and gumbo. But if your frozen shrimp smells fishy or has freezer burn, it has spoiled and should be discarded.

  • Can you get food poisoning from ahi tuna?

    A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association details the growing problem of histamine poisoning caused by tuna. Histamine poisoning causes a rash, diarrhea, cramping, vomiting, a tight feeling in the throat, facial flushing, and headache -- symptoms that are disabling but temporary and usually not fatal.

  • Are you supposed to eat the tail of shrimp?

    Yes, you can eat shrimp tails and they are edible, but are not meant to be eaten. They are kept on mostly for flavor and presentation purposes, not necessarily to be eaten.

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    As their names suggest, Atlantic salmon are originally from the Atlantic Ocean, while Pacific Salmon are from the Pacific Ocean. ... Atlantic salmon are more closely related to certain species of trout, such as brown trout (Salmo trutta), than they are to Pacific salmon.

  • What do you use to catch croaker?

    Best Croaker Baits

    1. Bloodworms.
    2. Squid strips.
    3. Peeler crab.
    4. Soft crab.

  • Why has my shrimp turned white?

    Generally Poor Water Quality: Elevated Ammonia Ghost shrimp can turn white due to poor water quality, generally elevated levels of ammonia in newer tanks. This is usually due to overfeeding or not changing the water often enough, or what's called "new tank syndrome."

  • Can you get parasites from oysters?

    Oysters intended for raw consumption can only be cultivated or caught from designated waters. Marine worms are common parasites found in oysters.

  • Can you smoke salmon that has been frozen?

    Frozen salmon definitely smokes up better than fresh. When you freeze salmon the meat becomes more porous which in turn lets the salmon absorb both the brine and the smoke flavor better.

  • What color is raw tilapia?

    Tilapia comes in several colors, with red (Oreochromis mossambica) and black tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) being the most well-known species. Once prepared, the meat of both varieties is white.

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    Tuna meat is like the meat of many land based animals. It contains myoglobin, a pigmented protein that stores oxygen in the muscle tissue. Myoglobin changes color, however, depending among other things on how much oxygen is available to it.

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    It is believed that if the black fish dies due to an unknown cause like overfeeding, lack of food or under-oxygenated water, it is because of absorbing bad luck that was meant for you. ... There are plenty of Feng Shui practitioners who give their dead fish a proper burial and offer prayers or mantras for them as well.

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    Herring is loaded with EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). These fatty acids help prevent heart disease and keep the brain functioning properly. They also seem to be effective in reducing inflammatory conditions, such as Crohn's disease and arthritis.

  • Why are my cherry shrimp swimming around?

    Cherry Shrimp typically swim around frantically as part of their mating ritual. During this process, the female releases her pheromones while the male swims around to find her. However, shrimp also swim frantically when stressed, mostly due to inappropriate water conditions and abrupt water changes.
