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  • Will bleach hurt fish?

Will bleach hurt fish?

Asked: Annick, Last Updated:

Bleach kills algae, bacteria and other things you don't want in your pond. However, it could also kill the fish, turtles and plants living there. Putting bleach in outdoor ponds also presents the risk that neighborhood cats or wildlife will drink from the pond and get sick.


  • What is the most strongest shrimp?

    Mantis shrimp are only about four inches long but pound for pound are one of the strongest animals in the world. They use clubs that are more like elbows than fists to punch their prey -- with the force of a bullet shot from a 22 caliber gun.

  • Which is the cheapest fish?

    For Indians, the cheapest fish would be Tilapia. This fish besides being tasty, is available almost all over India, both in Inland and Maritime states. There are several other smaller marine fishes, and even Minnows which are eaten.

  • Where is stock fish found?

    Norway Ever since the Viking age, Norwegians have dried fish outdoors in the fresh ocean wind to make stockfish. It is a specialty made almost exclusively in the North of Norway, and creating delicious stockfish requires the very best raw materials.

  • Can a pistol shrimp kill fish?

    Pistol Shrimp are interesting and unique additions to saltwater aquariums. ... This snapping is uses to scare off potential predators and even kill small fish, shrimp or other creatures who are hit by the impact.

  • How do you eat Trader Joe's smoked ahi tuna?


    1. Cut ahi tuna into bite sized cubes.
    2. Mix together sriracha, mayonnaise, soy sauce and sesame oil.
    3. Add tuna to sauce mixture and toss to coat.
    4. Place rice in bowl and top with spicy tuna.
    5. Add toppings to taste. Enjoy!
    Sep 28, 2020

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    What Do Catfish Eat?

    Type of CatfishDiet
    Channel CatfishFish, clams, snails, insects, small mammals, crustaceans, small birds such pigeons, and vegetation.
    Blue CatfishFish and large invertebrates.
    North African CatfishPlanktons, shrimp, fish, snails, birds, dead animals, seeds, nuts, grains, and fruit.
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    It is possible for a cycle to complete in seven days with seeding; otherwise this method takes two to three weeks. The bacteria colonies produced using this method are large enough to handle a well-stocked aquarium.

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    CatlaZooplankton feederSurface feeder
    MrigalDetritivorousBottom feeder
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    Observe whether the oysters are open or closed. Most closed oysters are alive. Lightly tap an open shell – a live oyster will immediately snap shut. If the shell remains open, the oyster is dead and shouldn't be purchased or used.

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    Red-Tailed Shark When they are young, they are not aggressive at all. But when they grow up, they might turn aggressive to stray fish and smaller fish in the tank. ... They tend to get aggressive when they don't have enough space in the tank. But they should be fine if they have enough space with the Oscar fish.

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    They are best at swimming backwards. These arthropods can propel themselves backwards by flexing the muscles in their abdomen and tail quickly. They move their abdomen towards their body, and this projects them quite quickly through the water.

  • What is the best time to fish for steelhead?

    The best time to steelhead fish is primarily from mid-fall through early spring. Steelhead enter the mouth of the Salmon from the Snake River in fishable numbers in late September/early October.
