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  • Why is my fried catfish chewy?

Why is my fried catfish chewy?

Asked: Alexandre Bourdon, Last Updated:

The most common cause I can think of is that the catfish were overcooked or weren't cooked at a high temperature. The thickness of the filets could also have an impact and if the fish is old, such as being in the freezer for quite a while before thawing, they could also be rubbery or tough.


  • Can you survive only eating tuna?

    Yes, as you are getting lean protein and carbohydrates. But your overall health will decline noticeably within 30 days. The vitamins, minerals and fiber that is required for of good health are diminished and some aren't anywhere in your tuna and bread diet. Yes you can survive but it will be in a weakened state.

  • Can you eat catfish everyday?

    Fish and shellfish in this category, such as salmon, catfish, tilapia, lobster and scallops, are safe to eat two to three times a week, or 8 to 12 ounces per week, according to the FDA.

  • Where do herring gulls die?

    From what I've seen seagulls fall wherever they are when they die. If they are ill or injured, they are unlikely to be flying to go to sea. This explains why you see their carcasses along the shore or in creek inlets.

  • What is the healthiest oil for frying fish?

    Coconut oil Benefits: Coconut oil is the healthiest option for deep frying your fish. It also has a neutral flavor that will reduce flavor transfer between batches of frying.

  • What snails can you keep with shrimp?

    Which are the best snails for a shrimp tank?

    • An efficient algae eater; if you don't mind seeing eggs appear on your hardscape then a Nerite snail is a good option.
    • Substrate sifter; a Malaysian Trumpet snail will be best.

  • Why are frozen prawns crunchy?

    It reveals that a pH9 alkaline water is the secret behind crunchy shrimp, and a light massage while marinating pretty much does the trick. The PH9 clue intrigues me. ... Sea water is pH8 and the reason why live/raw shrimps have firm and crunchy flesh. I also learned that baking soda and egg white are both pH8.

  • Is tuna good after 4 days?

    Tuna that has been continuously refrigerated will keep for about 3 to 4 days. ... Canned tuna that has been defrosted in the fridge can be kept for an additional 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator before using; tuna that was thawed in the microwave or in cold water should be used immediately.

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    Watermelon is a healthy fun snack for your koi during the summer. I usually eat almost down to the rind then toss the rind into the pond and the koi go crazy. After about 10-15 minutes they have eaten off the rest of the flesh and I net out the remaining rind.

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    Use Shells For Compost When you use oyster shells for compost, it will help balance the acidity levels in your soil. The shells add soil nutrients because they can become a habitat beneficial to microbes. If you're using oyster shells from home, be sure to boil and break the shells into small gravel-like pieces.

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    As a general guide, 1kg of prawns in the shell provides about 24 medium to large prawns, which equals about 500g of peeled prawn meat.

  • What nutrients are in king prawns?

    Prawns contain vitamins and minerals like calcium, phosphorous, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin E, etc. They are packed with significant amounts of vitamin B12, B6 and niacin. They are also a rich source of iron that helps in boosting the production of red blood cells.

  • What fruit goes well with smoked salmon?

    Fruits add a refreshing contrast in flavour and texture, use them as a juice, a marinade, or a pickling medium, or simply as a condiment.

    • LIME. For a change, try lime instead of a lemon and enjoy its fresh light aroma and more complex flavour. ...
    • LEMONADE. ...
    • MANGO. ...
    • ROCKMELON. ...
    • PEAR.

  • Can you eat raw cured salmon?

    Conclusion. Smoked salmon, especially hot-smoked ones, aren't raw. They're exposed to high temperatures that cook the meat and kill bacteria living in it. It makes them safe even when you don't cook or reheat them.

  • Is salmon supposed to be dark red?

    In the wild, salmon get their characteristic hue from the creatures they eat, similar to flamingos. Even as eggs, salmon are pinkish to a reddish-orange.

  • Can fish be preserved by smoking?

    Smoking has long been used as a means of temporarily preserving fish. The steps in the smoking process are necessary not only for safe preservation, but also to produce good flavor and aroma. Carp, suckers, buffalo catfish, salmon, trout and chubs may be successfully smoked.

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    If the fish bone is stuck in your esophagus or elsewhere in your digestive tract, it can pose real danger. It can cause a tear in your esophagus, an abscess, and on rare occasions, life-threatening complications.

  • Why is my fish tank dirty after one day?

    Often, cloudy water doesn't appear the instant an aquarium is set up. Instead, it appears days, weeks, or even months later. The cause is usually due to bacterial bloom. ... Decaying plants or excess food that remains uneaten can also cause the milky water seen in bacterial bloom.

  • What is the healthiest sushi?

    The 11 Best Healthy Sushi Options That Still Taste Good

    1. Salmon Avocado Roll. Think of a more iconic duo than salmon and avocado. ...
    2. Naruto rolls. ...
    3. Tuna Roll. ...
    4. White fish. ...
    5. Various types of sashimi. ...
    6. Mackerel Roll. ...
    7. Substitute white rice for black or brown. ...
    8. Rainbow Roll.

  • Can you eat salmon two days out of date?

    After salmon is purchased, it may be refrigerated for 1 to 2 days - the "sell-by" date on the package may expire during that storage period, but the salmon will remain safe to use after the sell by date if it has been properly stored.

  • Is wahoo a fishy tasting fish?

    If you've never eaten sushi or sashimi, raw wahoo is a great introduction. Due to its mild flavor, you won't be turned off by a strong fishy taste that might come from other types of raw fish.
