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  • Why do I have so many snails in my fish tank?

Why do I have so many snails in my fish tank?

Asked: Niko Lianopoulos, Last Updated:

If you have snails in your tank, you put them in there. The most common means is through adding live plants. Snails, or their eggs, can hitch on most types of plants and arrive in your home aquarium.


  • How long will smoked fish dip last in the refrigerator?

    Serve immediately with crackers, or store in an airtight container for up to 5 days. You can also freeze this dip for up to 3 months.

  • How much fish oil should a 13 year old take?

    4 to 8 years: 0.9 grams/day. 9 to 13 years (boys): 1.2 grams/day. 9 to 13 years (girls): 1.0 grams/day. 14 to 18 years (boys): 1.6 grams/day.

  • Can catfish bite your finger off?

    Can a catfish bite your finger off? Considering the anatomy of their teeth, the answer is no. There are a lot of catfish varieties and they are anatomically similar. They can hurt your skin, scratch it, even make it bleed, but they can't hurt you enough so that the injury is considered dangerous.

  • How much canned tuna can my dog have?

    How much tuna can I give my dog? Tuna is safe when fed in moderation, but do not feed your dog tuna regularly as it will contribute to the accumulation of mercury in your pooch's tissues. Keep any tuna your dog eats to a small amount, as little as one tablespoon, and do not feed them tuna every day.

  • Will Plecos eat fish flakes?

    Pellets and Flakes To feed a plecostomus, use normal commercially available fish food. A plecostomus will eat flakes that have fallen to the floor of the tank. ... The pellets can be the generic type but also come designed for bottom-feeding catfish, which is a more desirable food choice for plecostomus.

  • Are shrimp really bugs?

    Shrimps are not bugs or insects because they are called crustaceans. Yes, shrimp and cockroaches are both arthropods, but this doesn't mean that shrimp are insects like roaches.

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    Herring are delicious, with flaky, mild meat and oil that sizzles on their skin when grilled over a flame. Chefs and ocean advocates have been promoting the environmental and health benefits of eating small fish like this. ... Every winter, a small fleet of commercial fishing boats sets gillnets in the San Francisco Bay.

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    Like salmon, mackerel takes well to a very simple treatment to let the flavor of the ocean fish come through. A drizzle of oil, a sprinkle of salt, a squeeze of lemon are all it needs to become dinner. But it can also stand up to more elaborate recipes.

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    Perch are fish belonging to the class Osteicthyes, whose members have a bony skeleton rather than on made of cartilage. Bony fish comprise the largest group of vertebrates living today, both in the number of individuals (millions) and in the number of species (about 30,000).

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    Preheat smoker and add wood chips to get things going. We suggest letting the wood chips preheat for about 45 minutes. Add fish and let smoke for about 3 hours at 175°F to 200°F.

  • What temperature do you broil fish in the oven?

    Turn on your oven's broiler about 10 minutes ahead of time to fully preheat it. It gets as hot as your oven can get -- usually 500 or 550 degrees Fahrenheit. When broiling, you don't control the temperature in the oven; instead, you control the distance between the broiler and the surface of the food.
