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What should I feed my blue crayfish?

Asked: Brad, Last Updated:

Feeding. Crayfish will typically eat whatever they can catch, but since they are slow-moving, they are rarely able to harm most types of fish or shrimp. They prefer foods like invertebrate pellets or blanched vegetables (such as zucchini, carrots, and spinach), but will also eat fish food and algae wafers.


  • Can you eat fresh salmon roe?

    Though tiny, roe is so full of flavor that you wonder if what you're tasting is real. That's the sense I get at least when eating a spoonful of black or red caviar—that popping release of briny yet sweet ocean liqueur. ... Salmon roe is very good with blinis and sour cream, or even spooned as is onto buttered toast.

  • Do giant squids eat humans?

    The so-called Humboldt squid, named after the current in the eastern Pacific, have been known to attack humans and are nicknamed "red devils" for their rust-red colouring and mean streak.

  • Where do catfish go after rain?

    Rain and flooding washes nutrients and food from land into the water. During periods of river flooding, catfish will move to calmer sections of stream where heavy currents and debris won't affect them.

  • How are clams killed?

    During cooking, the clams are killed by the heat and in most cases the shell opens simply as a result of that, i.e. the clam is dead so it can't pull on the shell any more to keep it from opening.

  • Are croakers poisonous?

    Toxicity report Because this fish sometimes congregates around sewer outfalls, it can accumulate toxins that make it unsafe for human consumption. Refer to local guidelines to see if it is safe to eat this fish.

  • Can you put salt fish in the freezer?

    Cold-smoked salted fish is goodstored in the freezer. To do this, the fish should be wrapped in thick paper so that the paper is closely fitting, you can even tie it with a thread. In this form, the fish can be stored for up to 3 months at a storage temperature of no higher than -10grad.

  • Can I eat fried shrimp on a diet?

    Shrimp is a great food to include in your diet. It's not only high in protein but also low in calories, carbs, and fat. Three ounces (85 grams) of shrimp contain 12 grams of protein and only 60 calories ( 11 ).

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    • Blueberry pie.
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    Medium and below, about 9 to 11 shrimp per person. Large to jumbo, about 5 to 7 shrimp per person. Extra jumbo and above, about 3 to 5 per person.

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