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What is the most dangerous pet to own?

Asked: Alleigh, Last Updated:

Top ten most dangerous exotic pets…

  • Crocodiles and Alligators.
  • Venomous Snakes. ...
  • Chimps and Monkeys. ...
  • Ostriches. ...
  • Camels. ...
  • Scorpions. ...
  • Constrictors. This is pretty much an obvious one. ...
  • Turtles. A turtle may seem harmless enough, but did you know that they actually carry salmonella? ...


  • How long can prawns stay in the fridge?

    Fresh Prawns (cooked or raw) can be refrigerated for 2-3 days between 0 and 4ºC. Leave them in their shells, place them in a single layer on a plate or tray, cover tightly with plastic wrap and store in the coldest part of the fridge.

  • Should I boil squid before frying?

    But before you take it to the charcoals, it's important to pre-cook your calamari because adding it straight to the grill as-is will result in tough, dry meat. I always boil it first, then let it cool down to room temperature and quickly grill it. As mentioned above, boil it for 30 to 45 minutes.

  • How long can a fish not eat?

    Don't Feed Your Fish As for food, freshwater fish are quite capable of going for several days without a meal. Healthy adult fish can go for a week or two without feeding. However, young fish don't have the fat stores of adult fish and they cannot go without eating very long.

  • Can I put fish skin in compost?

    Composting Fish Waste: Tips On How To Compost Fish Scraps. ... The answer is a resounding “Yes, indeed!” The process of composting fish is really no different than bread or beer making, relying on much the same microorganisms to turn simple ingredients into a spectacular end result.

  • Is it legal to catch razor clams with salt?

    Razor clamming by salting is currently unrestricted except that clammers must have a license. ... As soon as you see the show, when it is open widest, pour salt into the hole. The clam should emerge in order to escape the salt and then just catch it and place it in your ice chest.

  • Can a clownfish live in a 1 gallon tank?

    Putting a clownfish in less than 1 gallon of water is not going to make a clownfish comfortable, you may as well as keep him in the bag.

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    Once properly sealed, you can then store the herring this way for about a week before they are ready to eat. These can be eaten cold, straight out of the jar. If you want to try smoked herring, there are a few different types of sample.

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    Treat tail or fin rot.

    1. Clean the tank once every three days. Add either Ampicillin or Tetracycline into the water to treat it. ...
    2. The tail will repair itself over time, but might not obtain its original luster.
    3. If not treated, this condition can progress to the point where it begins to eat away at your fish's body.

  • How do you thaw out a vacuum sealed fish?

    The best way to thaw seafood is gradually by placing it in the refrigerator overnight. Avoid cross-contamination by placing the thawing seafood far away from any fresh produce items. 3. If you need to thaw a piece of fish quickly, place it in a zip-top bag and immerse in cold water.

  • Do fish get lonely if one dies?

    No, fish don't really get lonely. Unlike humans, these animals don't have very strong emotions or feelings. However, whether your fish will be happy alone or not depends on the breed. Some fish can get stressed if kept alone for too long, and stressed fish die very quickly.

  • Can shrimp be kept in a 1 gallon tank?

    What kind of shrimp can be in a 1 gallon tank, without a filter or heater? Amano shrimp need temps b/w 60-80 so that would be doable. Amano won't likely breed so you wouldn't have that to worry about. Putting a few marimo moss balls in there would help too.

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    They are also easy to breed, and they grow to maturity faster than most other cultured fish. In the best of environments, a Tilapia can grow to 2.5 lbs. in seven months.

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    Can a mantis shrimp kill a shark? The giant mantis shrimp kills and eats great white shark in this Feed and Grow fish game update! The mantis shrimp is a pretty unassuming creature until it starts to get big. Then, it's boxing gloves of power can kill literally ANYTHING ON THE OCEAN IN ONE HIT.

  • What color should canned clams be?

    The colour of clam meat will vary from grey to greenish-grey to beige to dark orange. Clams on the shell are usually sold fresh and alive. When handled, if they are alive, they should close up as a defensive reaction.

  • Should salmon be cooked covered or uncovered?

    Measure the thickness of your salmon once you have it on your pan. Bake salmon, uncovered, 4 to 6 minutes per ½-inch thickness. ... Always check your fish at the minimum baking time to ensure your baked salmon doesn't get overcooked.

  • Should you kill squid straight away?

    The Squid Spike kills Squid quickly and humanely, as it is always best to kill the Squid immediately after it is caught for the best tasting Calamari. The Squid is not left to suffer a unnecessarily long death. ... This kills the Squid instantly and does not provide stress on the Squid flesh & meat.

  • What year did Walmart stop selling fish?

    Walmart is getting out of the pet fish business. In a conference call with its livestock suppliers earlier this year, the mass retailer reportedly announced that it would be pulling all pet fish and live aquatic plants from its stores. The move began in March and is expected to be completed by Oct. 1, 2019.

  • Can you hot smoke frozen fish?

    The hot smoking process. Chilled wet fish or thawed frozen fish of good quality should be used for making hot smoked products; stale raw material makes poor smoked fish. ... The fish should be washed again before brining them. If fillets are cut, they should be trimmed and be reasonably free from blemishes.

  • Can loaches live with shrimp?

    Yes, there are shrimp-safe loaches. ... This type of loaches is mainly river tank, cool water fish. They live in planted tanks to feed on the algae. However, if they did not find their algae and their main diet they might end up feeding on your shrimp.

  • What mushroom grows the fastest?

    Oyster mushrooms Oyster mushrooms are the fastest-growing mushrooms.

  • Do you cook fish on high or low heat?

    A medium heat should be used when grilling fish, whole or pieces. Using too high of a heat will cause some parts to cook too quickly and dry out while other parts will not be done all the way through.

  • What does the smell of fish indicate?

    A fish-like body odor may result from an excess of certain proteins in the diet or from an increase in bacteria that normally produce trimethylamine in the digestive system. A few cases of the disorder have been identified in adults with liver or kidney disease.

  • What food is most cheap?

    15 Cheap Foods to Buy When You're Broke

    • Beans.
    • Oats.
    • Frozen vegetables.
    • Bananas.
    • Spinach.
    • Brown rice.
    • Eggs.
    • Canned tuna or salmon.

  • Why do squid squirt black ink?

    Octopus and Squid use their ink as a defense mechanism to escape from prey. When feeling threatened, they can release large amounts of ink into the water using their siphon. This ink creates a dark cloud that can obscure the predators view so the cephalopod can jet away quickly.

  • What wines pair well with salmon?

    BASICS TO PAIRING WINE WITH SALMON Full-Bodied White Wines – As a general rule, rich oily fish like Salmon pair wonderfully with full-bodied white wines like oak-aged Chardonnay, Viognier, Marsanne, White Rioja, White Burgundy, and White Pinot Noir.

  • How do you reheat fish without it smelling?

    Covering the fish loosely with foil when you reheat it in the oven not only acts as secondary protection against smells, but it also prevents the edges from drying out before the middle of the fish is warmed through.

  • Does canned fish need to be cooked?

    Canned Tuna or Fish Process. ... Tuna and most canned fish is cooked before it is canned. This means you could actually eat it straight from the can with no cooking if you so desired. Here is the process that canned tuna goes through before it is canned.

  • Are barbs good with shrimp?

    Shrimp Compatible with Tiger Barbs If they're small enough, tiger barbs will eat them since they enjoy eating invertebrates. If the shrimp are larger, tiger barbs may not eat them, but they'll make sure to pester and pick at them, which may weaken your shrimp and they may still end up dying.
