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  • What is Indian major carp?

What is Indian major carp?

Asked: Ryan Ellis, Last Updated:

Indian carp or Indian major carp is a common name for several species of fish: Catla catla or catla. It is an economically important South Asian freshwater fish of the carp family. Cirrhinus cirrhosus or mrigal, a ray-finned fish of the carp family native to rivers in India.


  • Can ghost shrimp live in a fishbowl?

    Yeah, ghost shrimp can live in fish bowls and/or aquariums without any filtration or heating as long as the temperature stays between around 65 to 79 degrees. ghost shrimp typically don't like warmer temps so it'd be better if you kept the temperature somewhere around 70 degrees.

  • Is it legal to have a puffer fish?

    Not totally banned, but you do need a license to sell or serve puffer fish in the U.S. Called "fugu" and served as a delicacy in Japan, puffer fish (AKA blowfish) can be deadly if not prepared properly. According to the FDA: "[S]ome puffer fish contain the toxins tetrodotoxin and/or saxitoxin.

  • What fish are most active in fall?

    Walleye, pike, perch, and trout are popular ice-fishing species and are also the most active this time of year. The reason fish are said to aggressive feed in the fall is because baitfish and other creatures that they usually prey on will go into "Winter Rest" and will become much harder for the predator fish to find.

  • Do Cory catfish sleep on the bottom?

    So yes your Corys do sleep, but tjheir diurnal rythms are very different than ours and may only catch 5 minutes at a time. ... Yes, they're asleep. Swim bladder disorder can cause the fish to completely flip upside down and cause a lot of difficulty when swimming.

  • Where can I find big catfish?

    Look for big-river holes directly below dams, near outside bends and near tributary mouths. Sonar helps identify this structure. Cats that are "holed up" often remain motionless, waiting for food to drift nearby. Consequently, catfish baits must pass close to elicit strikes.

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    Regularly eating shellfish — especially oysters, clams, mussels, lobster, and crab — may improve your zinc status and overall immune function. Shellfish are loaded with protein and healthy fats that may aid weight loss.

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    Warm the smoked salmon in the oven for about five minutes, depending on the strength of your oven. After five minutes, check to see if your salmon has reached an internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit. Continue cooking in two-to-three-minute increments until your salmon reaches the desired temperature.

  • What happens if your fish swallows a rock?

    If a piece of gravel was swallowed, it would need to be small enough to pass through the intestines without causing a blockage, otherwise the fish would quickly become distressed and would require surgery to remove it. The other danger with gravel is the one you mentioned, that of getting gravel wedged in the mouth.

  • How do I know if I overcooked shrimp?

    A perfectly cooked shrimp is firm enough to curl without being constricted, and it has an opaque pinky color with a sheen. When they are overcooked, shrimp turn matte white or gray. Another easy way to tell if your shrimp are cooked is if they are curled into a nice C shape.

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    Bleeding improves the appearance of uncooked tuna flesh, helps initially to reduce the fish's body temperature and also gets rid of all the bacteria located in the fish's blood stream that may foul the flesh. All tuna should be bled for 10 to 15 minutes after iki-spiking and then immediately chilled.

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    Dried Sprats for dogs They are low in fat but high in Omega 3 and 6 acids and a healthy alternative to usual dog treats. Because of their handy size they can easily be used for training. They can be broken into smaller pieces for puppies or just given whole.

  • Are carp bad for lakes?

    Common carp degrade water quality and destroy habitat for waterfowl, fish and amphibians. ... While searching for food, carp burrow into lake sediments and in the process they uproot aquatic vegetation, increasing water turbidity and releasing large quantities of sediment-bound nutrients, which stimulate algal blooms.

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    Anatomical Reason Carp, like all fish, have swim bladders. ... When carp jump out of the water and land with a, fairly exciting splash, air is forced in or out of the swim bladder through the fish' esophagus which then allows the fish to change depths in the water.

  • How many fish are gone?

    There are more than 35,000 identified and described fish species in the world. An estimated 80 fish species have gone extinct over the last five centuries. More than 3,000 fish species are threatened with extinction today. One-third of wild fish stocks are overexploited.

  • How do I prepare canned salmon for my baby?

    One major thing to note about canned salmon: Make sure you remove any bones or chewy scales before serving, adds Miller. You can even mash or puree it beforehand, Quann explains. With a little prep, your canned salmon dish will be ready to serve in no time. Also, consider the type of salmon you're buying.

  • Has anyone defeated Stockfish?

    AlphaZero's victory over Stockfish sparked a flurry of activity in the computer chess community, leading to a new open-source engine aimed at replicating AlphaZero, known as Leela Chess Zero. By January 2019, Leela was able to defeat the version of Stockfish that played AlphaZero (Stockfish 8) in a 100-game match.

  • What can I use instead of lemon for fish?

    8 Clever Substitutes for Lemon Juice

    • Lime juice. Lime juice is the best substitute for lemon juice, as it can be used as a one-to-one replacement and has a very similar taste and acidity level ( 5 ). ...
    • Orange juice. ...
    • Vinegar. ...
    • Citric acid. ...
    • Lemon zest. ...
    • White wine. ...
    • Lemon extract. ...
    • Cream of tartar.
    Jun 24, 2019

  • Can you fish with dead minnows?

    Fishing With Dead Bait Many salted minnows, dead shiners, and leeches are very effective ways to capture fishes like walleye and bass. ... Many fishermen rig live minnows, perch, suckers, shiners, and leeches because they are very effective. But like many predators, they will eat injured and dying prey.

  • What does a dead fish mean in a dream?

    The dream of seeing dead fish means you have to be careful not to miss out on the excellent opportunities in your life. ... Meanwhile, fish is a sign of something generally good; dreaming of dead fish refers to the bad aspects. Dreaming of death usually doesn't bring us good things.

  • Can I flush a dead fish down the toilet?

    No, shockingly you should not flush a dead fish or animal down the toilet. One reason is that the septic system is often not meant to handle anything other than that from humans and toilet paper. The second is the fish may not actually be dead and get into local waterways where it could wreak havoc.

  • Can you steam clams in a turkey fryer?

    Enjoy the best turkey you've ever had! A propane “fryer” is also great for steaming clams, crabs and other shell fish. ... You're ready to eat in 10 to 20 minutes depending on the number of clams. Just pull up on the basket every once in a while to see if the shells have opened.
