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  • What color should crawfish meat be?

What color should crawfish meat be?

Asked: taiki, Last Updated:

All crawfish cook up bright red. Raw meat is grayish in color. Cooked meat should be a clean white.


  • Do high tides help in fishing?

    The high tides also help in fishing. Many more fish come closer to the shore during the high tide. This enables fishermen to get a plentiful catch.

  • How can you tell if frozen oysters are bad?

    How can you tell if frozen oysters are bad? Bad oysters are dry and withered with a cloudy appearance. Contaminated oysters tend to be grey, brown, black or pink in color. Smell the oyster meat.

  • Is sockeye salmon better than regular salmon?

    Whereas pink salmon is light and mild, sockeye salmon is a flavourful and rich. It has a relatively high fat content, loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. The sockeye from Copper River in Alaska is considered amongst the best tasting salmon in the world. Sockeye comes in many forms including canned, fresh, and frozen.

  • Do snakehead have teeth?

    These fish, whose elongated bodies earned them their name, can grow up to three feet long in introduced areas, and even larger in their native range. They have sharp, dagger-like teeth, and canine teeth on their lower jaw.

  • What country eats carp?

    The tradition of eating carp for Christmas is particularly alive and well in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. But some families in Hungary, Austria, Germany and Croatia may also be fond of it and indulge in that delicacy at Christmas time. According to most, this traditions dates back to the Middle Ages.

  • What is another name for horse mackerel?

    The Atlantic horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus), also known as the European horse mackerel or common scad, is a species of jack mackerel in the family Carangidae, the jacks, pompanos and trevallies....

    Atlantic horse mackerel
    Species:T. trachurus

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    This is the fin that sits under the fish, just behind their anus. Male's have long, pointed anal fins, whereas the females will have a shorter, triangular-shaped anal fin. Do not count on color to tell you the difference! And that's just a sampling of a few common pet fish species.

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  • Will a fish die if you don't feed it for a day?

    Fish can go a week or two without a meal without a problem in most cases. Fish in well established tanks can last even longer, since they are eating planaria and other bugs, live plants in planted tanks and almost any fish will try some algae out if its the only thing around.

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    Egg yolk: Egg yolk is a power-packed food that is easy to make into preparation for newly hatched fry. Hard boil an egg, take the yolk and wrap in a small piece of gauze, compressing it so small portions protrude through the cloth. Hang it in the tank and the fry will feed off it.

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    Eeltail catfish
    Family:Plotosidae Bleeker, 1858

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    There isn't a magic number that defines a school. However, in the wild schools of fish are generally quite large, often numbering in the hundreds or even thousands. In captivity, schooling fish need to have at least four to six to create a comfortable school.

  • How is supermarket salmon smoked?

    “We stretch the fish out and smoke it for two hours with small bursts of smoke, using beech wood from the Parma Apennines,” says Cerati. Most supermarket salmon isn't made like this. The mid-range supermarket salmon might be a decent fillet that's had a salt rub and been smoked over lesser-quality wood for a few hours.

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    25 grams In fact, 100 grams of prawns contains about 25 grams of protein, approximately the same as a similar amount of chicken or beef. Prawns are extremely low in calories. The same 100 grams of prawns contains only about 115 calories.

  • Can you eat mackerel straight from the tin?

    The answer to your question is - yes - you can safely eat mackerel in brine straight out of the can. But - maybe you might want to taste it and see if it is too salty for your taste. ... They are rated very high nutritionally so try to find a taste you like.

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    Start planting Gardens can be grown in a large variety of containers and utilizing an old fish tank is an excellent and green way to do it.

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    Types of Fish Certain types of tuna, including yellowfin, southern bluefin, northern bluefin, Thunnus alalunga, Thunnus atlanticus and Thunnus obesus are particularly good for serving in raw form because they are less likely to cause food-borne illnesses and don't need to be frozen first.

  • Do you salt fish before freezing?

    Before freezing, fish can be pretreated to improve the quality of the stored fish. ... Lean fish may be dipped for 20 seconds in a brine of ¼ cup salt to 1 quart of cold water to firm the fish and to decrease drip loss from thawing.

  • Can I make salmon sushi grade?

    Many well-stocked markets carry sushi- or sashimi-grade salmon. ... Although it is meant to be eaten raw, it can be cooked just as you would cook a regular salmon dish if you choose to do so. Conversely, eating fish raw that is not labeled sushi grade is not advised as it may contain harmful parasites.

  • How long do tilapia eggs take to hatch?

    70-90 hours ➢ Hatching of eggs takes place 70-90 hours in the mouth at 27-29°C and the female holds the hatched larvae and gives parental care until the swim-up stage which might need up to 6-10 days. The period after yolk sac absorption is most critical and the type of feed fed to the fry is very important.
