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What can be used in place of crawfish?

Asked: NIENAŻARTY, Last Updated:

Shrimp – A perfect substitute for crawfish is shrimp. It is still equally delicious and has a similar taste and texture. Lobster – Even though It has its own distinct flavor I say this is a good substitute for crawfish but mind you, they're more expensive than our mudbugs!


  • How do you freeze vacuum sealed fish?

    When you place a fillet in a vacuum, moisture is squeezed out of it. For this reason, I like to flash freeze fish before I vacuum seal it. Wrap each fillet in plastic wrap, and freeze for about 3-to-4 hours until it starts to harden up. Remove the plastic wrap, and then vacuum-seal it.

  • What is dried cuttlefish used for?

    Although the squid and octopus are more commonly eaten, the cuttlefish is very popular in Asia, either eaten dried as a snack or used in soups.

  • Is fried fish healthier than grilled fish?

    A healthier cooking alternative to frying is grilling. Grilled meats have a reduced fat content. This is because the fat drips off as the food cooks. … Grilled foods also have lower calorie content than fried foods.

  • Do fish like water changes?

    The answer is that regular water changes are important for the long-term health of your fish. The dissolved wastes in the water, which are not apparent to the naked eye, won't kill the fish outright, but the stress reduces their immunity to disease.

  • Can you defrost prawns in hot water?

    Do NOT use warm water as this will unevenly defrost the prawns and can even start cooking the outside.

  • What happens after eating fish and milk?

    As per Ayurveda, you should avoid this combination at all costs as fish is a non-vegetarian product and milk is considered vegetarian. This itself makes the combination of the two food items incompatible. Consuming them together may increase the "tamas guna" in the body which could lead to imbalance.

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    How To Clean Spot and Croakers

    1. To clean spot and croakers: Scale the fish with a manual or electric fish scaler . While holding the fish with one hand, use the tool to remove all scales. ...
    2. To clean whole fish: Cut the fish's head off. ...
    3. To fillet fish: Cut behind the gill, from back down to flank.
    21 Jul 2010

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    If whole fish soon after capture are knocked against a hard surface, bruising of the flesh can occur in the form of a dark coloured patch in the fillet; this is caused by rupture of fine blood vessels in the flesh with consequent release of blood which does not drain away during gutting and icing.

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    You don't have to throw out leftover fish fillets or shellfish after dinner. You can safely reheat seafood for up to 4 days after it has been cooked. Seafood dishes with garlic or onions can taste even better the second time around. The only challenge to reheating seafood is that it can dry out or get a fishy smell.

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    Scale the fish - not hard it has few scales, they're very small and scrape off easily without flying about. Clean the fish. Just cut off the head behind the pectoral fins and discard. Cut the belly all the way back beyond the vent to the fins and clean out the innards.

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    If the fish has been cooked, it will not get that slimy feel when it starts to go bad. Smell it for a pungent fishy odor because all fish, cooked or raw, will smell like fish. If the refrigerated fish has started to go bad, the fishy smell will increase. In time, it will start to smell like rotting meat.

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    The Nile perch is a species of freshwater fish that can grow up to two metres long and weigh as much as 200kg. ... Due to its size and preference for shallow water, the Nile perch is relatively easy to catch and its almost boneless white flesh is particularly good for eating.

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    1. Heat the oven to 425°F.
    2. Combine the mustard, maple syrup, garlic, and salt in a small bowl.
    3. Brush the salmon with the mustard mixture.
    4. Cover the baking dish and bake for 15 minutes.
    5. Uncover and roast for another 8 to 10 minutes.
    6. Rest and serve.
