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Is there a heaven for fish?

Asked: MIND ON MUSKY®, Last Updated:

They get to eat whatever they want, all they want, but the rule is they have to worship their God-fish. Since they will be in fishy heaven, they will be there forever.


  • How deep do crayfish burrow?

    Such holes can be 2-3 feet deep or more, depending on the water table. They dig down for safety, but mostly to get to water. It is said the crawfish is about as wide as the hole it creates, and I have seen crawfish holes bigger than two inches in diameter.

  • How long does a silver carp live?

    20 years Silver carp feed on both phytoplankton and zooplankton (Radke and Kahl 2002). In their native range, silver carp reach maturity at between 4 and 8 years old but are noted in North America to mature as early as just 2 years old. They can live to 20 years. Spawning occurs at temperatures greater than 18oC.

  • Can you put clams in the microwave?

    Place clams in microwave safe caserol dish, up to two layers of clams, do not have to add any liquid. Place vented microwave able cover on top. Depending on microwave strenght, check after three minutes, stir, and cook for two more minutes or until clams open.

  • What is fish maw in Chinese?

    What is fish maw? Fish maw is the commercial term for the dried swim bladders of large fish like croaker and sturgeon. ... For the Chinese, it is considered one of the big four delicacies of the sea “鮑、參、翅、肚” including abalone, sea cucumber, shark fins and fish maw.

  • How many calories are in grilled clams?

    The 3-ounce portion of clams has only 126 calories and less than 2 grams of total fat and 4 grams of carbohydrates.

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    1 to 2 days SHRIMP, SHELLED OR UNSHELLED - FRESH, RAW, SOLD REFRIGERATED After shrimp are purchased, they may be refrigerated for 1 to 2 days - the "sell-by" date on the package may expire during that storage period, but the shrimp will remain safe to use after the sell by date if they has been properly stored.

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    How do you cook pre cooked prawns? Warm oil or butter in a skillet on medium heat on the stovetop. Once pan and oil are warmed, add prawns to the pan. Heat prawns for 6-10 minutes, depending on the size.

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    A white-fleshed saltwater fish, monkfish is sometimes called the "poor man's lobster" because of its meaty texture and mild, sweet flavor. It may be cooked by any method. This lean, mild, firm-fleshed freshwater fish may be cooked by any method.

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  • Do fish like bubblers?

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    If the salmon were to disappear, then it may cause a mass succession and if the salmon were thriving then the ecosystem would mature. This would happen since the salmon bring nutrients to the trees as well. ... The MDN are then absorbed into the plants and then they begin to grow more due to the nutrients.

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    Can Fish Live in Bowls? While it is possible for a fish to survive in a bowl of water, consideration should be given to the quality of that fish's life. ... Like other animals, fish breathe oxygen and release carbon dioxide, using their gills to extract oxygen from the water.

  • Is silver carp a bottom feeder?

    Of these catla and silver carp are surface feeders, rohu is a column feeder, grass carp is a macro-vegetation feeder, and mrigal and common carp are bottom feeders.

  • Can I keep ghost shrimp in a bowl?

    Yeah, ghost shrimp can live in fish bowls and/or aquariums without any filtration or heating as long as the temperature stays between around 65 to 79 degrees. ghost shrimp typically don't like warmer temps so it'd be better if you kept the temperature somewhere around 70 degrees.
