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  • Is salmon supposed to taste dry?

Is salmon supposed to taste dry?

Asked: Zach Swarts, Last Updated:

It's dry, it can be tough and rubbery. It's really not something you want to eat. It's even worse if you are served a dry piece of salmon at a restaurant. ... They know what moist, flaky, and perfectly cooked salmon should look and taste like, and there is no excuse when it's not served as such.


  • Are sardines and anchovies the same thing?

    Even though they're both small and oily, these tinned fish have distinctly different flavors, appearances, and origins. Sardines are native to the southern Mediterranean. They're larger than anchovies, and are in the same family as herring. When compared to sardines, anchovies are even smaller and more oily.

  • What is being done to stop the spread of carp?

    Dispelling Asian carp with water guns; Using pheromones to drive the fish away or attract them to areas where they can be easily killed; Developing “biobullets” with tiny, calibrated doses of poison to kill only them; And altering Asian carp eggs so that their offspring are sterile.

  • Can you eat too many prawns?

    You actually can eat too many prawns. They contain arsenic, the good news, however, is you'd have to eat rather a lot to poison yourself:D. Prawns and shrimps are an extremely good source of protein, yet are very low in fat and calories, making them a very healthy choice of food.

  • What size catfish is worth keeping?

    I prefer to keep the three to five pound size catfish for eating. Not so much because they taste any better, but I find that size to be easy to fillet and yield enough meat to be worth the effort. If my freezer is empty I might keep some smaller or a couple of fish over ten pounds, but not often.

  • Why do carp feed at night?

    All shallow areas close to shore are feeding hot spots at night. Carp spook easily during the day when many people are about when darkness falls, the fish feel more comfortable and come into these nearshore areas in droves.

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    Obviously, dead fish don't swim. As soon as a fish dies, the other fish in the tank will begin feasting on their former friend. It's not personal; it's nature.

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    Fish (salmon) Monthly Price - Indian Rupee per Kilogram

    Mar 2020463.73-10.97 %
    Apr 2020419.04-9.64 %
    May 2020455.478.69 %
    Jun 2020513.3012.70 %

  • Will catfish eat dead animals?

    Catfish eat carrion, such as dead microbes, etc. The other food that they eat are mallard, mosquito larvae, clams, snails, bullfrogs, berries, leeches, algae, meadow vole, and aquatic plants.

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    Generally, most wet trout flies will be size 4-10 hooks. Some of the smaller dry flies will have hooks with sizes between 16-20. If you can, visit your local fishery and see what type of flies are hatching and the different bait available for the fish.

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    As an angler, fishing at night can increase our chances of having success, largely because the fish are closer to shore and are feeding. ... Angling during the night time is most productive between 8 pm and 3 am, especially if high tide hits at around 12 am.
