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Is dried shrimp safe to eat?

Asked: Thomas Le Gresley, Last Updated:

Generally used as a condiment, you don't need to rehydrate papery dried shrimps before cooking it or eating it. You can eat the papery dried shrimp raw, but I recommend you to cook it slightly before eating it. ... Alternatively, you can sprinkle them into hot soups or incorporate them into eggs before cooking.


  • Will ghost shrimp kill other fish?

    Ghost shrimps can attack other species but they never kill them. Attacking is very natural but happens rarely. Ghost shrimps are very peaceful species and they like to be alone.

  • How long can you not feed a betta fish?

    How long can betta fish go without food? Betta fish can survive up to 10 days without food, however, this is not recommended! It is possible they may even survive a few more days than this, however, this is merely surviving and you are actually slowly starving your betta fish to death.

  • Is salmon fishing better at high or low tide?

    Whichever tide carries you from shallower water into deeper water is usually the best fishing tide in that location. As a general rule, the time of day they're least likely to bite is when the tide is dead-slack. Baitfish schools disperse when the tide is slack, and so do the salmon.

  • Why is my catfish breathing heavy?

    If your fish are breathing heavy and not eating, there's something going on, either the fish are sick or the water is not good. ... If there's a parasite that's affecting their gills, they're going to breathe very heavily. If they're being chases around, if there's an aggressive tankmate, they're going to breathe heavy.

  • How long before crawfish goes bad?

    Crawfish can easily last for up to 3 to 4 days within your fridge. Just make sure to refrigerate the, within 2 hours of cooking it. Also, when storing cooked crawfish, put them in airtight containers, and then refrigerate them.

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    145 °F Safe Minimum Internal Temperature Chart

    ProductMinimum Internal Temperature & Rest Time
    All Poultry (breasts, whole bird, legs, thighs, wings, ground poultry, giblets, and stuffing)165 °F (73.9 °C)
    Eggs160 °F (71.1 °C)
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    • 8 Great White Shark.
    • 7 Golden Trout.
    • 6 Blue Marlin.
    • 5 Oarfish.
    • 4 Sturgeon.
    • 3 Napoleonfish.
    • 2 King Salmon / Salmon.
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