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  • How many times can a pufferfish puff up?

How many times can a pufferfish puff up?

Asked: Mary Elmer Smith, Last Updated:

Pufferfish can instinctually inflate their bodies whenever they feel threatened as soon as they hatch. This helps them appear more intimidating to potential predators. When the pufferfish matures it can use this defense mechanism to full effect, allowing the fish to puff up to three times its original size.


  • What is a ghost carp?

    Ghost Carp (simply an alternative name for Ghost Koi), are a hybrid, and are usually the result of breeding Mirror or Common Carp with Purachina Koi (Platinum Ogon) to get White Ghost Koi or Yambuki (Yellow Ogon) to obtain Yellow Ghost Koi.

  • How do you rehydrate stockfish?

    Place stockfish in a large bowl or pot and cover with cold water, then place in refrigerator for 4–5 days, changing water at least 3 times a day, and more often if possible, until fish is rehydrated and soft.

  • How long is frozen trout good for?

    Frozen smoked trout, properly wrapped, will keep in good condition for 12 months in cold storage at -30°C.

  • Will fish bite in muddy water?

    Muddy water fishing for bass can be disheartening when you feel like you can't locate fish or draw a bite. Muddy or murky water inhibits a bass from seeing nearly as well as in clear water.

  • Does salt water fish have parasites?

    Roundworms, called nematodes, are the most common parasite found in saltwater fish, such as cod, plaice, halibut, rockfish, herring, pollock, sea bass and flounder, according to Seafood Health Facts, an online resource about seafood products operated by the Delaware Sea Grant.

  • Why did my bamboo shrimp died?

    It's possible your bamboo shrimp were starving before you bought them (likely even, depending upon how long they were in captivity). It's also possible your tank is too "clean." They do best if a tank has been set up for at least a year, IIRC.

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    Two weeks seems kind of like a stretch for me with 40 shrimps in there. The longest I have gone without feeding is 3 days when I leave for the weekends and they fight over the first bit of food I place in when I return so it seems they are really hungry.

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    Soft-plastic baits emerged as one of the best bets, including stickbaits like the Z-Man HeroZ or Slug-Go, and paddletails like the Tsunami Swim Shad. Minnow-style plugs like the Mambo Minnow, Shimano Colt Sniper, and Cotton Cordell Red Fin make good herring imitations as well.

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    It's pretty easy to tell when fish are sleeping: they lie motionless, often at the bottom or near the surface of the water. They are slow to respond to things going on around them, or may not respond at all (see some sleeping catfish here). If you watch their gills, you'll notice they're breathing very slowly.

  • Is dried shrimp healthy?

    Dried fish Dried fish has many benefits. For example, it's also loaded with vitamin B12, potassium, magnesium, selenium, and other nutrients ( 10 ). fatty acids and large amounts of some vitamins and minerals.

  • What type of fish Did Jesus Eat?

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  • IS LOW tide bad for fishing?

    Low tide has many similar reasons for not being the best time to fish. The serious lack of both water movement and water will drive the fish to better places. Low tide will not be a good time to fish because there will be less fish around to catch. ... The water will still be flowing to places that are deeper.

  • Why does my tilapia taste fishy?

    Fish tastes "fishy" when it hasn't been handled properly. To avoid "fishy" fish, smell and feel it. It should have a fresh and mild odor. ... This is a sign that the fish has been stored for a long time or thawed and refrozen.

  • What is the most popular food in Hiroshima?

    7 of the Best Types of Hiroshima Food

    • Oysters. Oysters are one of the most famous things to eat in Hiroshima, and the area produces two-thirds of all the oysters in Japan. ...
    • Hiroshima Okonomiyaki. ...
    • Momiji-Manju. ...
    • Tsukemen. ...
    • Koiwashi. ...
    • Onomichi Ramen. ...
    • Anago.
    Apr 11, 2017

  • Are shrimp the same as prawns?

    Shrimp and prawns are two distinctly different animals. Both shrimp and prawns are Decapod crustaceans, meaning they both have ten legs and possess external skeletons. ... Shrimp belong to the sub-order Pleocyemata, while prawns belong to the sub-order Dendrobranchiata.

  • How do you neutralize chlorine in water for fish?

    It is relatively simple to rid your tap water of chlorine. Place the water in an open container and let it rest for 24 hours. This process is called "aging" the tap water. The chlorine gas that has been dissolved in the water to disinfect it will escape into the air.

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    You can take fish oil as a supplement — in liquid form, like cod liver oil, or capsule form, such as omega-3 supplements. Technically, you can also apply it to your skin, hair, and nails.

  • Is squid good for the heart?

    Heart Health The fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is higher in squid than in other seafood. DHA has been shown to improve resting heart rate. DHA-rich oils, like calamari oil, may also help reduce platelet aggregation for women.

  • Is there poop inside of oysters?

    Oysters are filter feeders, and take in all different types of particles from the water column. As oysters digest food, waste collects in a cavity inside their shell. ... While oysters do expel feces and pseudofaeces, they ultimately leave water cleaner.

  • How much does it cost to buy a mantis shrimp?

    Item #DescriptionPrice
    005932Peacock Mantis Shrimp, Small: over 2-2.5", Indo Pacific * Restriction On Guarantee$129.99
    003756Peacock Mantis Shrimp, Medium: over 2.5-4.5", Indo Pacific * Restriction On Guarantee$139.99
    005934Peacock Mantis Shrimp, Large: over 4.5-6.5", Indo Pacific * Restriction On Guarantee$149.99

  • What is the most expensive fish per kilo?

    Most expensive seafood fish in the world(per kilo)? A 37 kg. "golden snapper" caught off The Bay of Bengal and sold at a fish market auction in Chittagong,Bangladesh was sold for USD36,900 to a buyer in Hong Kong.

  • Why do I have a fishy taste in my mouth?

    Trimethylaminuria (TMAU) is an uncommon condition that causes an unpleasant, fishy smell. It's also called "fish odour syndrome". Sometimes it's caused by faulty genes that a person inherits from their parents, but this isn't always the case. There's currently no cure, but there are things that can help.

  • Can you eat crayfish in Canada?

    Aside from the Beaver River, it is legal to fish for crayfish for personal consumption. But according to the Alberta's sports fishing regulations — if you're not planning on eating them, you have to kill them before you leave the shore to "prevent the spread" of the species.

  • Where do you catch kingfish?

    Kingfish can are often found roaming the edge of deep reefs offshore most between 90' to 150' of water. They are definitely fun to catch on light tackle where they will make exciting and blistering runs. Heavy tackle however is often effective for catching tons of kings when fishing planners and spoons.

  • Can you fish steelhead at night?

    There are a number of ways to catch steelhead at night. Flat-line trolling works well where the steelhead are holding in water with no flow, such as Washington's Drano Lake. Blinking plugs are the favored lure, and Brad's Wigglers now dominate the fisheries.

  • What are the steps in smoking fish?

    "The major steps in the preparation of smoked fish are salting (bath or injection of liquid brine or dry salt mixture), cold smoking, cooling, packaging (air/vacuum or modified), and storage. Smoking, one of the oldest preservation methods, combines the effects of salting, drying, heating and smoking.

  • What fish eat shrimp in a tank?

    Shrimp is a natural food source for Betta fish. They are highly predatory and aggressive as well. They will eat baby shrimp easily because of their small size. In the case of mature shrimp, Bettas have been known to attack the legs of larger shrimp until they die.
