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  • How many crawfish should I eat?

How many crawfish should I eat?

Asked: The Amateur Sportsman, Last Updated:

As a rule of thumb, you will need about 3 to 5 pounds per guest if they are the main protein of the meal. There's no greater catastrophe than not having enough crawfish for everyone!


  • Where is the biggest fish in Colorado?

    Blue Mesa Reservoir Blue Mesa Reservoir Located 5 miles west of Gunnison, Blue Mesa is Colorado's largest reservoir (9,000 surface acres). The huge impoundment offers good fishing for rainbow and large brown trout.

  • At what temp should you smoke fish?

    Between 175 and 200 degrees Preheat your smoker and add your wood chips (not recommended to soak them first). You want your smoker between 175 and 200 degrees, and your fish will probably smoke for approximately three hours. For fillets, place fish skin side up for smoking. For other cuts, smoke skin side down and flip over as needed.

  • Why are my Amano shrimp so active?

    Why Are My Amano Shrimps Too Much Active? Being active is the nature of Amano shrimp. However, they can sometimes be too hyperactive not to spend their time feeding, but swimming frantically. Unhealthy habitat, stress, overpopulation, and mating time could be the reason behind an Amano shrimp being hyperactive.

  • What is the healthiest type of salmon?

    Pacific salmon These days, Atlantic salmon is typically farmed, while Pacific salmon species are primarily wild-caught. Wild-caught Pacific salmon are typically considered to be the healthiest salmon.

  • Can canned mackerel be eaten without cooking?

    Remove the large bones and tough pieces of skin and fins. Don't worry about getting all the bones — the small ones are soft and completely edible. Eating Canned Mackerel. ... The answer to your question is - yes - you can safely eat mackerel in brine straight out of the can.

  • Is smoked herring fully cooked?

    Whole Smoked Herring Smoked herring is a very oily fish so you have to watch out for the flames that go up in the air when the fish is being roasted. Once the fish is opened, the bones are removed (most of the skin would have burnt off) and the flesh is chopped into small pieces to be cooked.

  • When should you not use braided fishing line?

    One disadvantage is when snagged it sometime becomes very difficult to break. Braided line is generally more expensive than monofilament line. Braided line can put more stress on reel parts, rods and line guides causing premature wear and breakage. Braided line may not be the best choice when fishing clear water.

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    » Because the Torah allows eating only animals that both chew their cud and have cloven hooves, pork is prohibited. So are shellfish, lobsters, oysters, shrimp and clams, because the Old Testament says to eat only fish with fins and scales. Another rule prohibits mixing dairy with meat or poultry.

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    People who often eat fish, including so-called blue-backed fish such as saury, face a lower risk of suffering depression than those consuming less, a team of researchers from institutes including Japan's National Cancer Center has said.

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    If you're wondering how all these people can eat fish that tastes like mud (which is not necessarily true), let's talk about their real taste. Carp is an oily fish with lots of meat on them. Fans of the carp will tell you the flavor is similar to salmon.

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    Many people put the fish in a tank with the wrong anemone. In captivity, the clownfish can live from 3 to 5 years. In the wild, they live 6 to 10 years.

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    TUNA (INCLUDING YELLOWFIN) - FRESH, RAW After tuna is purchased, it may be refrigerated for 1 to 2 days - the "sell-by" date on the package may expire during that storage period, but the tuna will remain safe to use after the sell by date if it has been properly stored.

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    Cod has better nutrition Haddock has the singular advantage of being lower in saturated fats than cod, but both fish contribute the same amount of daily fat intake when equal amounts of the fish are eaten. ... Finally, cod has more polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, making it a wonderfully healthy option.

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    Non-frozen shrimp are less convenient and usually more expensive than frozen and because there's no telling when they were thawed, they can also be less fresh.

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    The complex process involved in the smoking is what gives the fish its distinctive taste. First the fillets are brined in a salt water solution. The fillets are then drained on spreats which are long rods made of stainless steel. ... This prevents the fish from flaking during the smoking process.

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    Most closed oysters are alive. Lightly tap an open shell – a live oyster will immediately snap shut. If the shell remains open, the oyster is dead and shouldn't be purchased or used.

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    They Molt as They Grow An easy way to tell whether it's a shell or a dead shrimp is that dead shrimp tend to be pinkish in color, whereas a shell will look almost exactly the same as a living aquarium shrimp. Molting is a necessary process that shrimp must go through numerous times as they grow.

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    Many experienced fishkeepers routinely leave their charges for two to three days without making any provisions for feeding. Almost any fish can go that long without fish food (more about that later, as well). However, if you're going away for longer, some preparation may be needed.

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    A flying squid does not actually fly, but using a jet propulsion mechanism to move forwards above the water surface. It moves with a gliding movement and in about three seconds it can move about 30 ft (9 m) in the air.

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    Simply place seafood of your choice in the convenient boil-in bag, add to hot water, and in minutes, you can enjoy the flavor and soul of The Big Easy!

  • Why do Pacu fish have human teeth?

    Some experts pointed that the reason they have big molar teeth is because of their diet. The same concept with Pacu fish. Pacu fish has similar teeth to human. Their front teeth look like a human front tooth from the front view.

  • Is Mackerel a soft fish?

    Similar to other species of Mackerel, this fish has an oily, soft, pale flesh, that is sometimes pink, which when cooked, becomes flaky and firm with an off-white color....Fish, mackerel, king, raw (USDA#15049)

    Serving Size0.5 fillet
    Total Fat2g
    Total Carbohydrates0g

  • Can axolotls eat freeze dried shrimp?

    While baby axolotls eat live hatchlings from a brine shrimp egg, adults axolotls can be fed with frozen brine shrimp. They are another cheap alternative food for axolotls but can get really messy when feeding them.

  • Do fish get bored in tanks?

    Just like any other pet, fish can become bored, too. ... Bettas particularly enjoy moving them around the tank, but just about any fish will be curious enough to check it out. It will stimulate their senses, and it's a cool party trick to show people when they come to visit.

  • Can you clean fish on the ice?

    In a nutshell, if you are going to have a fish fry, do not clean the fish until your oil is hot. Fillets basically need to be cooked right away and not stored while staying on the ice. In addition, when you clean fish, make sure to keep the carcasses so they can be measured.

  • Are farmed prawns bad for you?

    Yes, prawns naturally contain cholesterol but are also low in saturated fat which means that eating prawns is unlikely to raise 'bad' or LDL cholesterol. There was a very small 2010 study which took 23 healthy men and gave them either 225g of cold water prawns or an equivalent weight of fish as a control for 12 weeks.

  • Can cats have frozen shrimp?

    Can cats eat frozen shrimp and pre-packaged cooked shrimp. Processed, ready-to-eat, pre-packaged shrimp is an absolute no-no for cats. These foods are extremely high in sodium, which serves as a preservative. Such high levels of sodium are unhealthy for your kitty, to say the least.
