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  • How long do shrimp stay berried?

How long do shrimp stay berried?

Asked: marc, Last Updated:

They are generally berried for around 30 days (temp of water has some bearing on speed of growth and development), well that's how quick they are in my tanks.


  • Is smoked haddock actually smoked?

    A Generally, no. Traditionally, haddock is brined — soaked in salted water — then smoked over a wood fire, which gives the fish a pale yellow colour. Today, much of the dyed haddock is smoked using machinery instead of real smoke, then dyed with colouring to resemble the traditional version.

  • What is the life span of a pacu fish?

    They prefer to eat fruits, decaying plant matter, snails and grains as they would in the wild. However, at the Zoo they seem to accept a more varied diet. Black pacu are spawning fish, with the young living within floating vegetation in the black waters of the Amazon River basin. Pacu live about 15 years.

  • Do fish ever stop growing?

    Fish never stop growing. Some grow fast, reaching adult size in a few months. Others take 10 years or more to become adult size. ... In general, bigger types of fish live longer than smaller types.

  • How many tuna species are endangered?

    Is Tuna an Endangered Species? The IUCN lists 63 tuna species, and 15 are decreasing in population. Of these, the Southern bluefin tuna are at most risk and considered critically endangered (CR). However, the Atlantic bluefin tuna are endangered, while the Pacific bluefin tuna are vulnerable.

  • What's the least fishy fish?

    The least fishy fish for beginners is going to be a mild white fish. There are several varieties of mild white fish that you can cook in a variety of ways. Mild white fish tastes slightly sweet with almost no Umami flavor.

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    It should not be slimy and the scales should be firmly intact. Proper cleaning , deveining (removing the waste from along the shrimp's vein),washing in water with few drops of lemon juice and pinch of salt to kill off germs and remove any foulness should make the shrimp safe to eat.

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    During the breeding season the pectoral fins of mature males are rough on the dorsal surface, while those of females are smooth. Rohu is highly fecund (109 000 to 535 000 eggs per kg) (Chondar, 1999).

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    Atlantic chub mackerelAtlantic mackerel
    Scomber australasicusScomber
    ScomberomorusS. japonicus
    Island mackerelS. scombrus
    short mackerel

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  • Do fish like fake bait?

    Artificial lures are amazing for catching all types of fish, both big and small. ... As you will see below in the “amount of fish caught” section, artificial lures have been known to outfish live bait in terms of total fish, but in general, they don't match up to live bait if you are only targeting big fish.
