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How do you get small croakers?

Asked: Bent Rods Co., Last Updated:

Pro-tip: croakers prefer squid strip and cut bait! After you catch some decently sized croakers, try using bigger and heavier squid strips or baits (up to five inches long) to get bigger ones. Croakers will also be enticed with artificial lures if you prefer those. Use small spoons and/or ducktails.


  • Is it OK to reheat cooked salmon?

    Reheat fish inside a microwave. This will severely dry out any fillet, including salmon; and even worse, it will elicit an unfavorable, fishy aroma. We know the efficiency of a microwave may appear tempting –– but trust us, it's not worth it.

  • Which is the most poisonous fish in the world?

    The most venomous known fish is the reef stonefish. It is an ambush predator which waits camouflaged on the bottom. The beautiful and highly visible lionfish uses venomous barbs around its body as a defence against predators.

  • What is the largest shrimp?

    Mantis shrimp Caldwell said the largest known members of the species were 15 inches (38 cm) long. Even so, Bargeron said the mantis shrimp he found recently was significantly bigger than the largest-known Lysiosquillina maculata at 18 inches (46 cm) long.

  • Do you need to salt fish before smoking?

    Fish can be smoked whole or as fillets, but it should always be brined before it is smoked. This will protect the fish in the low smoking temperatures. The brine should contain salt, and usually contains sugar, too. You can brine the fish for 6 to 10 hours, or up to overnight, in the refrigerator.

  • What is the best bait for prawns?

    What is important is to offer a bait that will get a scent in the water column quickly to draw prawns into your trap. Baits include fresh herring, salmon, sardines, or mackerel. A better alternative is to use commercially available prawn bait pellets. They are made from fresh fish, fishmeal, and fish oil.

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    It really belongs in the sewer, not the storm drain. Theres a patch of dead grass and bushes in a hidden spot in my backyard I always dump it on. It just further kills the grass each year.

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    They will protect their eggs but once the eggs hatch, the babies are on their own. The fry can get eaten by other fish, swept away or even eaten by their own parents!

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    1 to 2 days How long does raw salmon last after the sell-by date? After salmon is purchased, it may be refrigerated for 1 to 2 days - the "sell-by" date on the package may expire during that storage period, but the salmon will remain safe to use after the sell by date if it has been properly stored.

  • What is a kipper UK slang?

    / (ˈkɪpə) / noun. a fish, esp a herring, that has been cleaned, salted, and smoked. a male salmon during the spawning season. Australian archaic, derogatory, slang an Englishman.

  • How much is a bag of clams?

    LIVE Clam Prices

    LIVE ClamsQuantityPrice
    Ocean Clamsper dozen$3.79/dozen
    Ocean Clams50 count bag$14.99
    Maine Steamers (Ipswich) Clams1 to 4 pounds$6.99/pound
    Maine Steamers (Ipswich) Clams5+ pounds$6.79/pound

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    3 Great Lures For Fishing In Muddy Water

    1. Bulky/Loud Flipping Baits. High muddy water causes bass to relate closely to cover, much as you might hug a wall or banister while navigating a dark room. ...
    2. Spinnerbaits. ...
    3. Vibrating Jig.

  • What is the best method to catch carp?

    Our seven simple tips can help you reel in these versatile fish:

    1. Find the Perfect Location. Carp tend to stay in murky water, and they're likely to spook easily when the water is clear. ...
    2. Choose the Right Bait. ...
    3. Set Up Your Rod and Reel. ...
    4. Avoid Shiny Hooks. ...
    5. Use a Rod Pod. ...
    6. Chum the Water. ...
    7. Try Bowfishing.
    Sep 17, 2020
