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  • How do you get rid of the fishy smell in shrimp?

How do you get rid of the fishy smell in shrimp?

Asked: David Almakias, Last Updated:

Rinse your fish well under cool tap water to help remove trimethylamine -- the amino acid known to cause fishy smells. Treat your shrimp with an acid, such as lemon juice or vinegar, before and during cooking to reduce the smell. If your shrimp is fresh, not frozen, soak it in a bowl of milk for about 20 minutes.


  • What is a vegan who eats fish?

    People who are vegan but eat fish are pescatarians. A vegan that eats fish might think of themselves as vegan, but any vegan diet with fish is best classified as pescatarian.

  • How many gallons does a tilapia need?

    A fully grown tilapia will weigh 1 pound, although they can grow larger. The rule of thumb is that one pound of tilapia will need 3 gallons of water. So this means that in every 3 to 5 gallons of water, only raise one tilapia.

  • How do you wash salmon before cooking?

    If the salmon filets are skin on, it's a good idea to rinse and dry before cooking. Also if the filets have any fishy smell, submerge the pieces in 1 quart of water with 1 tablespoon of white vinegar then rinse with running water. This will remove the bacteria that is on the skin and improve the taste of the fish.

  • What does Stockfish minus mean?

    On Lichess with Stockfish it is very simple. Plus is for white pieces, and Minus is for black pieces. Zero is equal position. +7 means that white is winning.

  • Can you put crawfish in a pond?

    Welcome Residents. Crayfish can make a fun addition to your pond. They nibble on aquatic plants, so they help control weed growth. They eat decaying material, so they - along with Airmax MuckAway - will help keep pond muck to a minimum.

  • Can you smoke smoked fish?

    Preheat smoker and add wood chips to get things going. We suggest letting the wood chips preheat for about 45 minutes. Add fish and let smoke for about 3 hours at 175°F to 200°F.

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    Shrimp Sizing Chart

    Common Sizing Term (Varies)Shrimp Count Per PoundApprox. Count Per 3 oz Serving
    Jumbo21/255-6 shrimp
    Extra Large26/306-7 shrimp
    Large31/358-9 shrimp
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