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  • Does purging crawfish do anything?

Does purging crawfish do anything?

Asked: Jess, Last Updated:

Crawfish are tender and usually boiled but they need to be cleaned first, which is referred to as purging. Purging helps rid the crayfish of impurities in their intestinal tract, such as mud and grass, to make them more palatable.


  • What do you use for shore fishing?

    For a typical surf fishing excursion on the beach, you will need the following gear:

    • Saltwater Fishing Rod and Feel.
    • Cast Net.
    • Tackle and Bait.
    • Surf Fishing Rigs (Fish-Finder and Drop)
    • Marine Hook and Rig Holder (for tool organization)
    • Knife.
    • Bait Bucket and Air Pump.
    • Spare Spool of Line.

  • How many eggs can tilapia produce?

    A 100 g female will produce about 100 eggs per spawn, while a female weighing 600-1 000 g can produce 1 000 to 1 500 eggs....Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) [Cichlidae]

    FAO Names:
    EnNile tilapia
    EsTilapia del Nilo
    1 more row

  • Can you eat smoked trout without cooking it?

    Smoked trout is generally fully cooked, using a hot-smoking technique. (Unlike salmon, which is sometimes cold-smoked, such as lox. But even there, remember that many fish are eaten raw, safely. As long as it has been properly stored, it's fine.

  • What does bad canned tuna look like?

    If You see brown, green, or black spots on tuna. That means that canned tuna is spoiled. It can smell rotten or even acidic if you smell an unpleasant odor throw it out. Any deformations of the tank also show that the tuna is spoiled.

  • Is it safe to eat fish with black spots?

    Is it safe to eat? Yes, although unsightly, the fillet is safe to eat if it is well cooked. Always cook fish well before consuming.

  • Can I use garlic to catch fish?

    Some fisherman use garlic as bait that can attract catfish, carp, trout, bass and other species. The way it is use is with marshmallows or dough balls made from a mixture of crackers and cat food are coated with crushed or powdered garlic and placed on a hook to lure the fish with its scent.

  • How many julii Cory catfish in a 10 gallon?

    How Many Cory Catfish In A 10 Gallon Tank?

    Cory Catfish TypesSizeNumber of fish in 10 gallon
    Julii Corydoras2.5 to 3 inches5-6
    Threestripe Corydoras2.5 inches5-6
    Emerald Corydoras3 inches4-6
    Panda Corydoras2 inches5-6

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    Absolutely, you should never “throw” a fish back. You should remove the hook as gently and quickly as possible, preferably debarbed if you really want to minimize damage to the fish. Then release if by cradling it in the water till it swims away under it's own power.

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    Generally, the best time of the day to surf fish is two hours before and after dusk and from dawn to 10 AM. Time also covers the day, weather situation, time of the year, phase of the moon, and tidal movements.

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    Most salmon species live 2 to 7 years (4 to 5 average). Steelhead trout can live up to about 11 years.

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    Fish and seafood are delicate and can easily dry out if overcooked. Brining will help your fish and seafood stay moist and flavorful. This is especially critical if you're cooking fish on the grill, since the high temperature, the dry heat can really dry out a piece of fish.

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    avoid eating large warm water fish such as Spanish Mackerel (in accordance with NSW industry experts) as ciguatera fish poisoning occurs more frequently when larger fish are eaten. Cases of poisoning from Spanish Mackerel caught in NSW waters have generally been linked to fish over 10kgs.

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    Almost all cold-blooded animals, including fish, will continue to grow as long as they are alive, and may outgrow a small tank. The "full grown" size of a fish is determined by genetics, not by aquarium size, and individual fish will reach different sizes, just as adult humans reach different sizes.

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    Clean, ocean flavor! (Note: 16/20 shrimp indicates there are 16-20 shrimp per pound.)

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    The cold smoke doesn't actually cook the fish, so it's left with an almost raw-like texture. ... Instead of dry-curing, the fish gets a wet brine (a.k.a. salty water) and then is smoked at temperatures above 120°F. This process works well for salmon and many other types of fattier fish, too.

  • Can shrimp live with baby mollies?

    Molly fish aren't a good companion for cherry shrimp, in fact, very few fish are a good match for dwarf shrimp. ... Therefore, make sure you choose other mates for your molly fish (other compatible fish or compatible snails) and let cherry shrimp have their own aquarium if you want to enjoy them at their best.

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    Explanation: Don't be quick to judge, being judgmental can only hurt you in the long run.

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    Snails seem to clean better, but shrimps seem to be more mobile and active and faster at what they do. 4. More entertaining to watch since they're faster and more active, IMO that is.
