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  • Do catfish eat neon tetras?

Do catfish eat neon tetras?

Asked: 10,000 Casts Fishing Co, Last Updated:

Will catfish eat neon tetras? The catfish is consuming the neons as they sleep in the evening. Well the catfish sounds like a pimelodus pictus, and will eat small fish,grows to about 6 inches. Ghost shrimp will end up being food for most,except for small fish.


  • What is the best time to catch mackerel?

    The best time of day to catch mackerel is at dawn or dusk and at high tide. But you can catch them all day. It's exciting stuff, mackerel fishing, especially with a full set of six lively fish on the line at once – it'll certainly put a pleasing bend in your rod.

  • How do you know if fish are starving?

    How To Tell If Your Fish Is Hungry

    1. Your fish is digging around the substrate (searching for food).
    2. Waiting and the top of the aquarium (for feeding time).
    3. Behavior changes (aggression).
    4. Noticeable weight/size changes.
    5. Slow or sluggish behavior.
    Jul 30, 2021

  • Can Oscar fish live with piranhas?

    There both from the same native waters and can both live together peacefully. The piranhas however are notorious for getting hungry and attacking their tankmates.

  • How much protein is in a jumbo prawn?

    Protein: 18 grams. Selenium: 48% of the RDI. Vitamin B12: 21% of the RDI.

  • Can a bacterial bloom kill fish?

    Bacteria blooms will not hurt the fish. It will go away on it's own, in time, but the fact that you have a bloom indicates that you have excess ammonia in the water, so doing water changes is a good thing. Generally you don't want to replace your filter media until it's falling apart.

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    • Indo-Pacific tarpon Megalops cyprinoides.
    • tenpounder Elops machnata.

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    Unlike fish, shrimp do not have fins that enable them to swim, but they can certainly move around in the water. A shrimp "swims" by quickly pulling its abdomen in toward its carapace (body). This motion shoots them through the water. However, because of body configuration, it also means that shrimp swim backward.
