Category: Mackerel

Which country eats the most mackerel?

February 15, 2022, 20:51, asked: Michael Miller

The countries with the highest volumes of mackerel consumption in 2018 were Germany (50K tonnes), the UK (35K tonnes) and France (21K tonnes), with a combined 51% share of total consumption....

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Are there mackerel in the Mediterranean?

February 15, 2022, 08:31, asked: Grayline Los cabos

Atlantic chub mackerel is a species which is usually found in the warmer waters of Europe, particularly the Mediterranean. ... This species is often confused with others, and there have also been issues with this species being misidentified – see below....

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Is Norway mackerel safe to eat?

February 13, 2022, 10:04, asked: Elisabeth Mercier

Nutrition. Mackerel is enjoyed the world over and, thanks to its high levels of vitamin D, is a healthy addition to any dinner plate....

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Where is mackerel caught?

February 12, 2022, 23:19, asked: Christian Grenier

North Sea mackerel overwinter in the deep water to the east and north of Shetland and on the edge of the Norway Deep, whereas mackerel found around the western shores move out to the continental slope, over-wintering across a vast area. Some females are able to spawn at two years old....

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What cultures eat mackerel?

February 12, 2022, 02:48, asked: Logan


  • Okhotsk atka mackerel, Japan.
  • Rye bread with smoked "pepper mackerel", Denmark.
  • Grilled mackerel with dill butter, Sweden.
  • Roasted horse-mackerel with fried garlic and pepper, Spain.
  • Godeungeo jorim made with mackerel, radish and seasonings, Korea.

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What Tackle do I need for mackerel fishing?

February 11, 2022, 04:22, asked: Guy Lafrenière

There is no need for finesse or complicated rigs when fishing for mackerel. Nor is there any need for any specific rods and reels. For the best sport, choose a light spinning rod or lure rod and match it up with a small fixed spool reel. Use 15 lb monofilament line or better still 15 lb braid....

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Are mackerel sustainable?

February 11, 2022, 03:49, asked: claverie ponet

Handline-caught mackerel Mackerel is such a fantastic UK fish and when it's 'handline-caught', it's at its most sustainable. This fishing method is low impact, primarily used by small, under 10 metre boats; it doesn't impact the seabed nor is there a significant problem with bycatch....

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Are mackerel fish endangered?

February 8, 2022, 03:52, asked: Martin Cusson

Least Concern (Population decreasing) Atlantic mackerel/Conservation status...

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Is mackerel popular in UK?

February 7, 2022, 01:19, asked: Tom Fiddament

Mackerel are the fastest swimming fish in UK waters, able to swim around fifty metres in ten seconds. ... Fishing for mackerel is extremely popular around the UK, especially around piers, harbours and jetties that provide easy access to deep water and the tidal runs that mackerel favour....

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Is mackerel a predator?

February 6, 2022, 21:45, asked: Andre Charron

Mackerel are an important source of food for our marine predators, including whales, dolphins, tuna, seals and sharks. There are many species of mackerel around the globe, the main species found in UK seas is the Atlantic mackerel....

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