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  • Can you eat soft shell crawfish?

Can you eat soft shell crawfish?

Asked: Ohio Musky Show, Last Updated:

Much like soft-shell crabs, crawfish molt their hard shells each spring—generally between April and June in the South. ... At that point they can be eaten whole. They are a tender and succulent treat, Jones says, as long as you play by his cooking rules: “Fried, always and only fried.


  • How do I kill grass in my pond without killing the fish?

    Fish-Friendly Herbicides Fluridone is a slow-acting herbicide that's one of the safest to use on weeds around your pond, according to Ohio State University Extension experts. This type takes from one to three months to kill weeds, and pond water can be used for irrigation or even as drinking water during that time.

  • Do Danio fish like bubbles?

    danios do not build bubble nests. There is some other cause of the bubbles... my guess would be the filter is churning up the water a bit and making some bubbles. +1 to brhino. Danios scatter their eggs, and then will eat them if allowed to.

  • Is smoked mackerel better hot or cold?

    In general, hot-smoked fish are the ones that work great in any creamy salad or dip. You can also re-warm them better than cold-smoked because they've already seen heat.

  • Do fish like mirrors?

    The research on fish reactions to their reflection yielded surprising results, a Stanford researcher says. Fish become feisty but fearful when facing themselves in a mirror, according to two Stanford biologists.

  • Can you bake frozen fish without thawing?

    You can skip the thawing process altogether and cook frozen fish straight from the freezer. You'll have to add a few minutes to the cook time in your recipe to account for the lack of thawing, but you can poach, steam, bake, broil or grill fish straight from the freezer!

  • Can you eat hot smoked trout when pregnant?

    Fish and mercury Smoked salmon and smoked trout are fine to eat during pregnancy as part of your oily fish intake, but do be aware they contain a lot of salt. If you are retaining water and experiencing swelling, you may want to limit salty foods in general.

  • How long is smoked salmon good for once opened?

    One week How long can I keep smoked salmon? If you're lucky enough to get a side of salmon as a holiday gift (or you simply have brunch leftovers), store the fish on the bottom shelf of your refrigerator, where it's coldest. Unopened, it will keep for two weeks; after opening, one week.

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    There is no reason to kill, bleed and gut the fish immediately. The ideal way to preserve freshness is to keep the fish alive as long as possible.

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    They thrive in small and large rivers, reservoirs, natural lakes and ponds. Channel cats are cavity nesters, meaning they lay their eggs in crevices, hollows or debris, to protect them from swift currents. In your pond or lake, catfish won't reproduce if they lack an adequate spawning structure.

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    What Are Signs of Old Age in Aquarium Fish?

    1. They've Reached the End of Their Lifespan. ...
    2. They Start Losing Weight. ...
    3. Their Eyes Start Bulging. ...
    4. Their Skin Becomes Discolored. ...
    5. They Start Eating Less. ...
    6. They Start Floating on Their Side. ...
    7. They Have Trouble Breathing.

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    As a rule of thumb, you will need about 3 to 5 pounds per guest if they are the main protein of the meal. There's no greater catastrophe than not having enough crawfish for everyone!

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    A: Canned oysters are either fresh or smoked—either way they are cooked and edible right out of the can. However, they are usually used as an ingredient, whether in a dip, a soup or chowder, a stuffing, or a casserole.

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    Oscar fish is known to be one of the most intelligent fish in the aquarium hobby. You can clearly see its intelligence by just watching it for a few minutes. This fish doesn't just move around mindlessly.
