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  • Can fish odor be cured?

Can fish odor be cured?

Asked: ApisCaster, Last Updated:

Trimethylaminuria (TMAU) is an uncommon condition that causes an unpleasant, fishy smell. It's also called "fish odour syndrome". Sometimes it's caused by faulty genes that a person inherits from their parents, but this isn't always the case. There's currently no cure, but there are things that can help.


  • Can saltwater fish live in freshwater?

    Saltwater fish can't survive in freshwater because their bodies are highly concentrated of salt solution (too much for freshwater). The water would flow into their body until all their cells accumulate so much water that they bloat and die eventually.

  • Can oysters come back to life?

    It's Alive! Oysters are still alive as you eat them! In fact, if you are going to eat an oyster raw, it has to be alive or else it will no longer be safe to eat. In the case of oysters, alive means fresh! Trust us, you only want to be eating oysters that are alive.

  • How many prawns do I need for 4 adults?

    SERVES 4 You will need 1.2kg uncooked medium prawns or 1.5kg large king prawns. 1 If using medium prawns, shell and devein the prawns leaving the tails intact (see Preparing prawns, right). If using large prawns, butterfly by cutting through the body just after the head, stopping just before the tail; remove the vein.

  • Will freeze dried brine shrimp hatch?

    Brine takes about 23 hours to hatch at 81 degrees . it is 100% dead when frozen and has no chance of hatching once frozen .

  • Can crayfish go on land?

    Crayfish, like all large crustaceans, use gills to gather oxygen. ... However, because crayfish gills are sensitive enough to pull moisture from the air, so long as it is kept moist and sticks to humid areas, the crayfish can move on land without issue.

  • Is herring served raw?

    The herring is said to be eaten "raw" because it has not been cooked, although it has been subjected to a degree of curing. The first barrel of Hollandse Nieuwe is traditionally sold at auction for charity. Very young herring are called whitebait and are eaten whole as a delicacy.

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    Using Frozen Fish Out of Date Fish in your freezer for two years past its date can still be in perfect condition if it was vacuum-sealed, while poorly packaged fish can be past its prime in a matter of weeks. ... Once thawed, you can use frozen fish in all the same ways you'd use fresh.

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    Breaded is better for you by a slim margin i suppose but i prefer battered as i like it crispy. Depends on how you cook it really. Deep-fried anything isn't as healthy as grilled or baked.

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    In fiction and non-fiction a red herring may be intentionally used by the writer to plant a false clue that leads readers or audiences towards a false conclusion. ... The character's name is a loose Italian translation of "red herring" (aringa rosa; rosa actually meaning pink, and very close to rossa, red).

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    25 Best beginner saltwater fish (including 7 to avoid)

    • Ocellaris clownfish: most popular beginner saltwater fish. ...
    • Sharknose goby. ...
    • Tomato clownfish. ...
    • Canary blenny. ...
    • Longnose hawkfish: coolest looking beginner saltwater fish. ...
    • Yellow watchman goby. ...
    • Tailspot blenny. ...
    • Percula clownfish.

  • What is the rarest shrimp in the world?

    The FDA labels 41 species of shellfish as simply “shrimp,” and only one, pleoticus robustus, can be sold as Royal Red. Living at unusually extreme depths of 1,000-3,000 feet, it is known as the King of Shrimp, and is the world's rarest, most prized and arguably most delicious kind.

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    Yellow sally stoneflies. These are the smallest of the stonefly species, yet they hatch in the most abundance and the most frequently. Unlike salmon flies or golden stone flies that sees a hatch move through a stretch of river, Yellow sally stoneflies will hatch for days in the same section.

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    According to the 2015 to 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, we should eat at least 8 ounces of fish/shellfish per week. Shellfish, by the way, includes shrimp, crabs, oysters, lobster, clams, scallops, mussels and crayfish.

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    No, anglerfish are not dangerous to humans. However, humans are dangerous to anglerfish.

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    Open the tuna completely, then take the lid & put it back on the tuna can to fit in (inside), hold it with your fingers of one hand both sides of can (thumbnail on one, the rest on the other side) so you can flip it (tuna won't fall), the oil/water will fall & the tuna will be drained.

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    Since mackerel are small fish, you can freeze them whole. To avoid the risk of food-borne illness, always thaw frozen fish in a refrigerator. ... Freeze fresh mackerel within 24 hours of purchase or capture. There are several types of mackerel fish, such as Atlantic, Blue, Chub and King.

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    Accepting of virtually any food, tiger barbs should be given a variety of foods to maintain a healthy immune system. Include quality flake food as well as live and frozen foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and beef heart. They will quickly gobble up small aquatic invertebrates and even cooked vegetables.

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    Unfortunately, rabbits cannot eat fish at all. They are herbivores and so are unable to eat any kind of animal foods at all. They may have a nibble of it if they are presented with it.

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    They are opportunistic omnivores, which means they will eat both plants and animals, whether they are dead or alive. ... As they grow, they'll also eat algae, dead and living plants, worms (even decaying worms), fish, snails and even other dead shrimps.

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    The dish is ceviche, and the secret is acidity. Soak fish or shellfish in vinegar or lemon or lime juice, and the meat turns opaque and the texture firms up, almost as if it has been cooked. ... Coagulation is the reason translucent foods such as fish and shellfish turn opaque when they're cooked.

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    Being plankton feeders, milkfish can be very hard to catch on hook and line, and most anglers who successfully hook milkfish do so after attracting them with liberal berleying with bread, followed by either baiting up with bread or presenting bread imitation flies.

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    Another of the risks of eating raw salmon is bacteria. Two common kinds of food poisoning that people can experience from eating raw fish are salmonella and Vibrio vulnificus. While salmonella is more common, Vibrio vulnificus is a bacterium that lives in warm saltwater.
